AH_044cfd7b-8a98-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Original women’s T-shirt in color of the sky with openwork wings on the back. There is a large print on the chest: an aircraft with swallow wings in honor of the aviation regiment “The Night Witches”, their rapidity and strength. Below there is patch with imprinted bombs and name of the regiment itself. In addition, there is a large patch “UA” for Ukrainian witches differ a bit from all other witches, and so they are closer to us.
Generally, this T-shirt is an incarnation of a true witch: weapon, wings and flowers.See more women's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_3872df6b-6692-11ee-9baf-ac1f6b742a2bThis women’s T-shirt is dedicated to a very important thing in this war – FPV drones, which are so much needed at the front and will be needed even more. After all, this is, to some extent, an innovative way to destroy a huge amount of ruzzian equipment even before it takes up combat positions. And besides, the cost of a regular tank or artillery system is completely incomparable to the cost of a drone. So please donate to all the fundraising campaigns for FPV if possible. In this way, we can really save the lives of our defenders and cause more trouble to the enemy. Do not neglect such campaigns – it is a crucial contribution to our future victory.
AH_e88f1bdf-870e-11ef-9bca-00155dcd4802The character depicted on the helmet was created by an art teacher and Army Aviation pilot with the call sign Qnesko. The main highlight of the helmet is its yellow-blue eyes and razor-sharp teeth. As the pilot himself claims, the image comes to life as soon as someone encroaches on Ukraine.
On one side of the helmet is the pilot’s call sign, and on the other is the inscription DEATH ON CALL, and behind it, there is some space for a patch.
AH_fd6d7466-9505-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bWe could have used FPV drones to shoot nice videos from the beach if we had a warm sea washing our territory from Chernihiv to Donetsk. But we definitely had bad luck with our neighbour, so Ukrainians are forced to shoot a bit different videos with FPV drones. And the more we donate to FPV drones for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the more they will shoot videos for us with happy endings, where the bad guys die and the superheroes come home alive. This is what our new women’s T-shirt is about.
AH_014e59fc-be7e-11ed-9baa-ac1f6b742a2bWe finally released a women’s T-shirt dedicated to our city. It turned out to be quite concise. Because the whole essence is in the symbol of Lviv – the lion. It is exactly like our city: strict and sweet, no longer young, but still strong and clearly able to stand up for itself. Like our city, which has already seen and experienced so much, and will, obviously, experience and see no less. There is an inscription “Маємо крила з 1256 року” (“We have wings since 1256”) under the large print of the lion. This is about the fact that Lviv was, is and, we believe, will be a city of freedom and ideas. (In addition to the front print, there is our printed logo on the back).
AH_c5471b14-e629-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bЖіноча футболка про транспортний гелікоптер, який міг би, якби захотів, і Місяць перевезти десь інде. Створив того красеня Ігор Сікорський, конструктор українського походження. Цей вантажний гелікоптер чи то пак Повітряний кран (як власне і перекладається назва skycrane) мав дуже круті характеристики: максимальна злітна вага — 21 тонна, максимальна швидкість — 240 км на годину, дальність польоту — 370 км. Ще й встановив у 1971 році рекорд зі швидкопідйомності. Спереду на футболці — великий принт, що зображує skycrane, який перевозить Місяць (місяць принтований особливим рельєфним друком). Принт на спині має напис sikorsky, а також, меншим шрифтом, пам’ятку, що цей американський гелікоптер з двома двигунами був спроєктований Sikorsky Aircraft. Червона бірочка Proudly made in Ukraine збоку та принт з роком виготовлення Skycrane на плечі.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_5adfa407-b6c9-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bThe American AH-64 Apache would be a perfect match for any of the Ukrainian Army Aviation Brigades whose emblems we placed on the print next to this helicopter. So welcome to Ukraine, little Apache bird! It is time for you to become a real fighting machine. On the right sleeve, there is a print with AH-64 Apache, and on the left one – a printed INDEPENDENCE WAR logo.
AH_61025da3-e132-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bIt is a great strength to have wings. We created this women’s T-shirt thinking about those who have found this strength in themselves. A part of the proceeds from the sale of each T-shirt goes to support the activities of the Superhumans Centre, which is engaged in prosthetics and rehabilitation of soldiers (and others) who have lost their limbs.
Superhumans have not just found the strength to spread their wings but also they inspire others to spread theirs. Even if those wings are mechanical.
AH_ef95328a-7d2a-11ed-9ba9-ac1f6b742a2bDark blue T-shirt with a large print on the chest. In it many different drones form a roundel in the colors of our flag. In the center of the roundel there's an inscription Join the Side of Light. Because both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and everyone who supports them are definitely on the side of the light. UA is printed on one sleev. And, traditionally, our printed logo in matching color is on the upper back.
AH_0bcfabdc-e49f-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's T-shirt "THE FIRE OF FIERY 3.0", dedicated to the 12th brigade, now is in a new design.The front print depicts a helicopter in attack, which seems to be connected with a dragon blazing with fire, as a symbol of the strength and courage of helicopter pilots. On the back is our small printed logo and the our interpretation of the slogan of the brigade "Вогонь запеклих не пече". Ukrainian Air Force rondel on the shoulder.
AH_49243c8a-2824-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's black T-shirt "Хай правда наповнить наше повітря" that means "Let the truth fill our air." If a revolution could look elegant, it would look like this. At the bottom left there is a printed application with a quote. On the back on the top there is a label, dedicated to the series and our logo.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_f12d0ff1-650c-11e9-a21e-0cc47a40fa97Comfortable T-shirt for flights in the sky and active rest on the ground.
The front of the T-shirt depicts the largest aircraft in the world - AN-225 “Mriya” made in Ukraine. It is 84 meters long and has 6 engines.
The aircraft entered the Guinness Book of Records.In 2022 russian occupants ruined our giant while severe bombing of Gostomel airport. This loss will be never forgiven! You can ruin the steel but you will never ruin the freedom and dreams of the Ukrainian people. We will win this war and we will bring our Mriya back to life!
There is an imprinted logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.See more women's t-shirts in the catalog