AH_683677c2-cc55-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bThis war once again convinced us that our greatest strength and the best thing we have are our people. From the very first day, thousands of our volunteers are packing first-aid kits, cooking, and welding Czech hedgehogs. Also, they are gathering and feeding pets, weaving masking nets, relocating refugees, and organizing classes for children. Our kids give their pocket money for quadrocopters used for intelligence, and the farmers are towing enemy equipment with their tractors. The list can go on and on, but the essence is the same - Ukraine is the place where great people live. That’s what our new t-shirt is about. It’s available in two colors for your liking. On the front, there’s a large print Ukraine is the Capital of Great People in a blue and yellow roundel. Our logo is printed on the back, and at the side seam, there’s a label Proudly made in Ukraine, because we are proud of what we do. Independence War is printed on the sleeve because this is our war for independence.See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_95baa4bc-c13f-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bWe all love symbols, don’t we? Lately, a lot of symbolic things have been given to us by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and by ordinary Ukrainian people. This very t-shirt is dedicated to the symbolic Neptune missile strike on the flagship of moscovian fleet named "moskva". Of course, we couldn’t help perpetuating this event on a t-shirt. :) There’s a large print on the front where Neptune is knotting together the necks of the symbol of moscovia - the two-headed bird. There’s also a hidden inscription Independence War on the sleeve and a printed logo in matching color up on the back.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_08b6e8e9-b059-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bA minimalistic female T-shirt where the meaning comes first, and the shape comes second. It doesn’t have a lot of decoration or different techniques, nor a complex style because we don’t need this. This T-shirt simply states that this is the Independence war. We will win, no doubt. Ukraine was, is and will be, but the Russians, who are trying to break us, destroy our cities and hurt our hearts, will fall. We are in the war for Independence. It will enter history as a memory about the indomitable spirit of Ukrainians. So, the main idea in this t-shirt is a blue-yellow print on the chest that says “Independence war. Battle for the future”. That’s it, just a small printed logo on the back.See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_ce1f414c-a87b-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bLet us present a new superhero T-shirt. This is a real superhero, not just some sort of a Hollywood comics. This is a Guardian angel that saved thousands of lives and entered the pantheon of Ukrainian heroes forever. The elusive spirit that shot down more than 30 invaders' planes. This female t-shirt is about him. White, with a yellow and blue printed inscription of the pilot and the image of him in the plane during the hero fight. On the left shoulder the printed logo Independence War, as this fight is for our Independence. On the right one - a rondel with the Ukrainian air force sign. In the side seam we have our red label - Proudly made in Ukraine, which is now more relevant than ever. You can find our printed logo on the back of the T-shirt.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_6ee03e88-a87b-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bThe first from 204 brigade tactical aviation collection - is a strict female polo. It’s black with a not bright printing. This polo is about love and faithfulness. The 204 brigate left Crimea in 2014 and did not betray their oath. They left with all the aircraft. This is the reason we printed a plane together with an attacking griffon ( symbol of the brigade) and the words “Love Ukraine”. It continues to the next line of the verse “ Love in the middle of storms”... We decided that these words suit this brigade well. On the chest - our embroidered logo on one side and a number of the brigade on the other. You can also see a printed image of MIG 29 (which they fly a lot) and embroidered a wing on the top of it. On the right sleeve - chevron with the loho of the brigade which we interpreted in our own way “you can’t swear twice” and the shape of Crimea that combines the UA letters. On the other sleeve - the number and full name of the brigade.See more women’s polo shirts in the catalog.
AH_49243c8a-2824-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's black T-shirt "Хай правда наповнить наше повітря" that means "Let the truth fill our air." If a revolution could look elegant, it would look like this. At the bottom left there is a printed application with a quote. On the back on the top there is a label, dedicated to the series and our logo.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_0dd37f0b-2824-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's T-shirt with a clear position. The colour of T-shirt is light gray. It has black issues on the sleeves, collar and bottom. The quote "Люблю цю країну", that means "Love this country" is printed on stripes. On the back there is our logo and label dedicated to the series.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_0bcfabdc-e49f-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's T-shirt "THE FIRE OF FIERY 3.0", dedicated to the 12th brigade, now is in a new design.The front print depicts a helicopter in attack, which seems to be connected with a dragon blazing with fire, as a symbol of the strength and courage of helicopter pilots. On the back is our small printed logo and the our interpretation of the slogan of the brigade "Вогонь запеклих не пече". Ukrainian Air Force rondel on the shoulder.
AH_f21ad6a3-e49e-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bRed is love, and black is not sorrow. Sometimes it's just powerful colors that balance the meaning. For example, how on this women's T-shirt, dedicated to 12th helicopter brigade. A very active and brutal women's T-shirt that definitely provides wings and inspiration. Such a kind of energy to action. At the bottom — a print with attacking helicopters, and on the chest — our interpretation of the slogan "Вогонь запеклих не пече" with the signature of the brigade. Rondel on the shoulder and our logo on the back are our classic elements. The case where brutality fits.
AH_9ae44fad-d5aa-11eb-a237-0cc47a40fa97Войовниче жіноче поло, присвячене нашому Чорному морю. І військовим навчанням, які відбуваються тут щороку, попри спроби ворогів запобігти цьому. На спині — флагман українського флоту — фрегат «Гетьман Сагайдачний». Під ним — прапори країн, що беруть участь у навчаннях Sea Breeze. Там же гасло — «гуртом і москаля легше бити».Спереду на грудях — наше вишиване лого з одного боку та Нептун, який зав’язує на ґудз (вузол по інакшому) шиї двоголовій курці. А ще — координати Чорного моря та натівська зірка. Правий рукав прикрашає принт з назвою навчань та зображенням Чорного моря, лівий — жовто - блакитний рондель та напис Ukrainian NAVY. На комірі з внутрішнього боку — напис «Готові завжди».
AH_ad2f6175-c52c-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97In the wardrobe, you should have a polo made of good-quality fabric, which is suitable for walks or for office. Polo is made of 100% cotton, so the body will feel comfortable in it.
There is a special loop for glasses below the buttons. Even pilots’ uniforms have the same feature.
There is an embroidered logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the chest, as well as Shevchenko’s phrase “Борітеся – поборете” (“Struggle on – and be triumphant!”).
There is a large imprinted picture on the polo – this is Prometheus, a symbol of an unbowed folk.
The right sleeve is decorated with an embroidered inscription “UA” and an imprinted phrase “Слова, що надають крила” (“Words that give the freedom to fly”). For words really have the power to raise you to the sky.
There is a chevron with a picture of Taras Shevchenko on left sleeve.
The collar can be unfolded; there is an inscription “Кобзар” (“Kobzar”) and the coordinates of his birth place in Moryntsi village (Cherkasy region) 49°15′07″N. 31°00′04″E.
There are special ventilators under the sleeves to make the polo even more comfortable.