AH_81a2e9f1-b223-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802Легендарна I see you baby від Groove Armada на аеророзвідницький лад - тепер і на світшотах! Створили теплий і зручний жіночий світшот I SEE YOU про наших операторів FPV-дронів. Брутальне і стильне нагадування про тих, хто влаштовує у PDR-cьких окопах пекельні рейви, від яких буквально зриває дах. Вбирайтесь, грійтесь, надихайтесь!
AH_14d10638-9ab0-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802Жіноче поло для своїх і про своїх. «The light side» самим своїм виглядом показує, який бік обрала та, хто його носить. Ми створили цю річ, надихаючись опараторам БПЛА, чиї очі ховаються за FPV-окулярами, аби робити цей світ трохи світлішим (if you know what I mean). На лівому плечі – нашивка з принтованим UA, справа – принтоване Independenсе war. На спині, серед розсипу БПЛА, заклик «Join the light side»!
AH_34fb652b-6ea5-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802Ukrainian robots have been fighting side by side with our defenders for years. The radio-controlled iron ‘fellow soldiers’ help our infantry with logistics, firing, cover, casualty evacuation and many other situations where they take risks instead of humans. And the more of these ‘iron infantrymen’ appear in the Ukrainian army, the less our soldiers will have to risk their lives: robots will now go to the front line. To accelerate the process of robotisation of our army, we have created a new women’s T-shirt called Iron Warrior. Every UAH 400 from its sale will be donated to buy components for ShaRys robotic systems. The system consists of the ShaBlia turret and the Rys (‘Lynx’) mobile platform, which in tandem become an autonomous combat unit capable of moving into position and opening fire. The ShaBlia turret is controlled by a remote control. It is equipped with a camera and can be fitted with a thermal imager for night missions. The turret can be mounted not only on the Rys ground-based radio-controlled platform, but also on a vehicle, in a trench or blindage. The module can be armed with a machine gun, depending on the needs of the unit. The Rys unmanned robotic platform, which serves as a platform for the turret, can be controlled from a distance of more than 1,000 metres and carry a 150 kg payload. The Rys can travel up to 20 km on a single battery charge and move for up to 4 hours without interruption. The PRO version is capable of carrying up to 300 kg of payload, which often makes it the only chance for rescue during casualty evacuation.We will donate UAH 400 from each Iron Warrior T-shirt for an unlimited period to buy components for the robotisation of the Ukrainian army.
AH_6f8f8a28-6e8f-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802A women's T-shirt about the Patriot universal air defence system, which has recently been in service with Ukrainian army. This beast easily catches up with and destroys absolutely all types of missiles used by our enemy. It works miracles where other air defence systems are helpless: for example, destroying hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, which was impossible before the Patriot was adopted. Its missiles can reach more than two kilometres upwards and up to 160 kilometres off into the distance, allowing the Ukrainian army to hit the nooks and crannies in the occupiers’ rear and bury the enemy in hell. On the front of the T-shirt, we placed a drawing of a missile and the SAM’s huge name, and on the back, there is a decorative trident.
AH_f4e98236-690b-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802Йо! Як же теперка файно на бескидах нашої Марсіанської колонії. Ні тобі фейсбучних сварок, ні корків на дорогах, ні підвечірніх комарів. А як згадати, що там нема сусідів-москалів, то се є чисто «незрівнянний світ краси». І поки нововорохтівські марсіанці успішно продовжують українську космічну програму, наш Мольфар одним оком випасає овець, а іншим пантрує би наші ЗСУ влучали адійо в ціль. Чи ви думали, що то все спутники? Ади!Наше жіноче поло «Друга експедиція Мольфара» має строгий сірий колір, традиційні для Гуцульської космічної програми шеврони та великий принт з Мольфаром-пастухом спереду.
AH_63aece6a-387b-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Our new women’s vest is as bold and extraordinary as those to whom it is dedicated, because it is about Ukrainian aviators! It has a very original cut and is made from a single pattern. Instead of side seams, the vest is fastened with 6 voluminous fastexes on belt straps. On the front, we placed a decoding of how UKRAINE will sound according to the phonetic alphabet of NATO and the International Civil Aviation Organization. On the large top pocket on the right there is a velcro tape where a chevron with the inscription «Всі проти нас, один тільки вітер назустріч» (‘Everyone is against us, only the wind is on our side’) is attached. The top pocket next to it has a printed roundel with a trident. We added velour overlays to the two voluminous pockets below to make it easier to attach chevrons. Another pocket is located a little behind, almost on the back, so that you can easily reach it with both hands. Each pocket has a safety pin with our traditional inscriptions ‘Proudly made in Ukraine’ and ‘Aviatsiya Nalychyny’ attached to the clasp. On the back there is a large inscription ‘Gives you freedom to fly’, and a little below it – ‘Since 2014’.
AH_b321fde3-4ff5-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802Ukraine now has the most effective fleet of maritime drones in the world, and our Sea Baby is the real king in this armada of surface drones. The Sea Baby is quietly but confidently sinking the russian fleet and clearing our seas of enemy scrap. But there are also ‘higher’ forces involved in clearing our sea, in particular, the Ukrainian Neptune missile that sank the flagship of the russian fleet, the cruiser Moskva. Our new women’s T-shirt ‘The art of military operations’ is about these heroes of our sea: both technological and those who stand behind their consoles. And mythological ones, too, since Neptune also has the Ukrainian Armed Forces chevron and is fighting on our side!
AH_ef65cb09-4db8-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802In February 2022, the women of Konotop not only blocked the way for the invaders, but also began to shower them with curses, reminding them that ‘every second woman here is a witch’. And this moment is so firmly imprinted in the minds of Ukrainians that it still nourishes our imagination with the image of the ancient ‘The Witch of Konotop’ who would make the devil tremble with fear. That is why, in collaboration with the creators of the eponymous film, we designed the unisex T-shirt ‘Ancient Power’. The back features a witch’s rune combining a ‘helmet of horror’ and traditional elements of Konotop embroidery. There are ancient Slavic runes on the chest. On the left sleeve, there is the inscription ‘Aviatsiya Halychyny’. On the right sleeve, there is the ‘The Witch of Konotop’ inscription.
AH_04fdcfb4-4a65-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802Знаєте, що спільного між концертами гурту «Жадан і Собаки» і процесом збагачення урану? Обидва дійства завершуються вивільнення шаленої енергії. Бо якщо ви хто хоч раз чули традиційне Outro після концерту харківського колективу, то за цю футболку ви точно «згадаєте нас добрими словами»!
AH_55170327-3d21-11ef-9bc5-00155dcd4802A series of T-shirts ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ is our shot at the occupiers in the Kharkiv direction, made by the soldiers of the Khartiia Brigade. Part of the proceeds from the sale of each T-shirt goes to the needs of the Brigade, which from the very beginning of the full-scale invasion while being a volunteer unit, did not allow the enemy to enter Kharkiv. All this time, the poet and volunteer Serhiy Zhadan has been supporting the Khartiia in every way possible, from providing supplies to composing the anthem. Now the Kharkiv rebel has joined the ranks of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. So while the one who is the main voice of the brigade has taken up arms, each of us can make this voice sound even louder – by wearing a T-shirt ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ with the lyrics of the anthem written by Serhiy Zhadan, you speak in the name of the Brigade. So speak louder.
AH_a794d58a-3d21-11ef-9bc5-00155dcd4802The founder and commander of the Khartiia Brigade, Vsevolod Kozhemiako, pointed very accurately that the Khartiia is a manifesto of action. And guys of Kharkiv know very well how to act. Recently, this was confirmed by poet and volunteer Serhiy Zhadan, who was voluntarily recruited to join the Brigade together with members of the Zhadan i Sobaky band. At the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, he was one of those who contributed to the creation of the Khartiia and has been actively supporting the volunteer combat unit, which has now grown into a full-fledged brigade. It was Zhadan who came up with the name for the unit and also composed the anthem for the Khartiia figthers, the lyrics of which we have inscribed on the T-shirts.Now, as a fighter of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine ‘Khartiia’, Serhiy Zhadan continues to do everything possible to ensure that he and his comrades have everything they need to liberate Kharkiv region from the occupiers as soon as possible.By purchasing a T-shirt from the ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ series, you donate UAH 400 for the needs of the Brigade. Turn your manifesto into action.
AH_096879fe-3d22-11ef-9bc5-00155dcd4802‘We are now addressing you as recruits of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, the ‘Khartiia’,’ said Serhiy Zhadan, wearing pixel and standing next to his brothers in art and arms. Recently, the poet and leader of the band Zhadan i Sobaky, along with three other band members, joined the ranks of the Khartiia Brigade – a Brigade he helped to create and support at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. This collection is a symbiosis of the culture we showed in the Zhadan.Quotes collection and the struggle we featured in the Khartiia collection. Serhiy Zhadan is the author of the official anthem of the Brigade, so our new collection is based on his most powerful quotes. The black T-shirt of the new series has a printed inscription «Нами твориться наша історія» (‘We make our history’) on the chest and the ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ logo on the sleeve.UAH 400 from the sale of each T-shirt goes to the needs of the Brigade, which is currently evicting the enemy from the Kharkiv region.