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Buy women’s clothes in an online store from the Ukrainian brand Aviatsiya Halychyny

Choosing clothes is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Some people are guided by the practical side of the issue, others are more interested in quality and uniqueness, and for someone the brand plays the primary role in the choice. We offer women’s clothing for those who have their own style and principles, and who are not afraid to openly express their opinion not only with their words but also with their appearance.

Each model of our clothing is not just a fashionable item. They are also powerful messages that we want to convey to people. We produce women’s and men’s clothes that tell a story. These stories are very different but they are always about something important.

The path from simple leather capes to sophisticated lace

Clothing has always been more than just protection from the cold or covering bare parts of the body. Many tribes living in hot climates never considered women’s or men’s clothing as a means of protection against low temperatures. In their minds, it rather played the role of protection against external threats, sometimes real and sometimes imaginary.

For example, sometimes clothes for women had a mystical meaning — they believed that they could become a barrier against supernatural threats. Even amulets were considered an element of clothing because they, according to ancient people, protected them from evil.

The first sewn clothes that the scientists managed to find belong to the early Paleolithic era. It’s a leather shirt and pants stapled together with shoes. All elements were richly decorated — with beads made of mammoth tusk.

In the countries of the ancient Near East, women’s clothing was not very different from men’s and looked like a long straight tunic. Skirts made of rough fabric were also found in the women’s wardrobes. Later, items made of linen and sheep’s wool began to appear. In the period of antiquity, women’s clothing began to be decorated with embroidery.

In the 19th century, steam and electric machines appeared. This gave a considerable push to the development and expansion of the women’s wardrobe. Thanks to the use of technology, clothes for girls and women have become not only affordable but also more diverse.

The main functions of women’s clothing in the modern world

Clothing for women and girls will never be a simple wardrobe item. In addition to its practical function, it is also an opportunity to stand out from the crowd, a way to hide your flaws, and a chance to express your position on a particular issue or emphasize your status.

With the development of consumer goods manufacturing, it has become much easier to do this. Now every girl can choose new wardrobe items not only considering the quality of the fabric but also taking into account the decoration, various fits, colors, and styles. A wide range of offers from modern manufacturers includes clothes for literally every taste.

The main task of women’s clothing

Women’s image is an art that requires a detailed selection of each item to form the overall picture. And the main thing in this art is not to lose yourself in the desire to chase the latest fashion trends. They are fleeting and not always can become a part of your unique style. Clothes should complete a woman’s image and emphasize her true beauty.

Where to buy women’s clothes in Ukraine and which brand to choose

If you want to support Ukrainian business and at the same time buy quality clothes with a patriotic or simply original design our website has plenty to offer.

We offer women’s clothing from a Ukrainian manufacturer. All our products are manufactured at our own production facility in Lviv. Here we come up with new models, sew them, and decorate them with printing and embroidery, so we can confidently say that our clothes are 100% Ukrainian.

You can buy women’s clothing from Aviatsiya Halychyny in our online store or at our stores located in Lviv and Kyiv.

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