AH_0ea975b8-4832-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802Flying squirrels mastered the sky long ago. They fly between the trees thanks to the membranes between the base of the tail and hind legs.
Our hoodie also has these membranes between the arms. Original free cut.
On the front side there is a zipper that starts at the bottom and goes around the hood. It is decorated with patches with pictures of flying squirrels and mountains.
There is a picture of squirrel’s eyes and whiskers on the hood; there are also ears made of fabric sewn to the hood.
The left sleeve is decorated with the logo of “Telesyk airlines”.
There is a logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.
AH_b5a02e71-33b6-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Our ripstop cargo shorts are the thing you’ve been dreaming of, but didn't realize it! The heavy-duty fabric consisting of 50% cotton and 50% reinforced nylon makes them resistant to damage, but at the same time breathable and smooth to the touch.The shorts have six comfy pockets and a rather original, yet restrained cut. On the voluminous left cargo pocket, we placed the inscription ‘SYLA’, which is slightly covered by the print of the lift formula itself, and above the pocket, we illustrated how these miracles work.
AH_4ba6d613-2968-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Бджілки – то є найпрацьовитіші істоти на землі, бо вони починають приносити користь вже на другий день свого життя. А менш ніж за тиждень від народження ці крихітні авіатори відправляються у свої перші самостійні польоти! Якби порівнювати їх зі справжніми авіаторами, то є в них щось і від транспортників, бо за один раз вони можуть підняти вантаж у сотні разів більший за них самих; і від винищувачів, бо вони так само безстрашно захищають свій вулик навіть від найстрашніших ворогів.Ми створили одразу три варіанти дитячих суконь у ніжних кольорових поєднаннях: блакитно-рожева, жовто-блакитна і молочно рожева. Сукні мають оригінальний оверсайз-крій з широкими рукавами і розсипом бджілок на кольорових вставках.На спині — логотип TELESYK AIRLINES. Спереду — принтоване The world's smallest aviation.
d5550091-37ac-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Concise and comfortable – this is all about our polo which will complement your look for walking around the city.
Made of 100% cotton, so the body will be comfortable, even in hot weather.
There is an embroidered roundel, i.e. a round sign used by the military to mark their aircrafts, on the front.
There is a text about Aviatsiya Halychyny below it: “A Ukrainian clothing brand, inspired by the new Ukrainian army; the army that we had once is back to protect our borders and is becoming a new symbol of our freedom”.
There is an embroidered logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.
And if you raise the collar, you will see the printed inscription “Ukraine”.
There is a special loop for glasses under the buttons for you not to loose them.
There are also ventilators under the sleeves. These are holes that help your body breath.
AH_a26fcb3f-33a7-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802We created a new men’s polo shirt about the 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade named after Petro Franko. It’s reserved, strict and stylish, just like our ‘bombers’ from Starokonstiantyniv. The Brigade’s symbol, a Carpathian hawk, spreads its wings on the chest, courageous and fast, just like the Su-24 itself. Below the hawk there is the Brigade’s embroidered slogan, which is emblazoned on the official chevron: «Оперативність. Влучність. Достовірність» (‘Efficiency. Accuracy. Reliability’). All this is held together by a massive printed drawing of a Su-24. On the back, we have the embroidered slogan «За волю України» (‘For the Freedom of Ukraine’) in an authentic font (the same font that was used on UGA aircraft more than 100 years ago), along with a printed trident. The left sleeve features a printed image of Petro Franko, the founder of Ukrainian aviation, with Newports in the background. On the left sleeve there is an embroidered ‘UA’.
AH_dc55ff9a-33a7-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802We have created a new women’s polo about the 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade named after Petro Franko – the real superstars of Ukrainian aviation from Starokonstiantyniv, who since 2014 have been making us read almost every news story about the exploits of our Su jets with our jaws dropping. And when their Su-24s have been fitted with Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles, it turned out to be even more exciting! Now the geography of this ‘good news’ for Ukraine reaches far into enemy territory. So we decided to rethink the polo about this brigade and update it in such a way that the traditions of Ukrainian aviation and its modern capabilities would harmoniously fit into the prints and outlines. The symbol of the Brigade, a Carpathian hawk, spreads its embroidered wings on the chest. Below the hawk is the Brigade’s embroidered slogan, which is also emblazoned on the official chevron: «Оперативність. Влучність. Достовірність» (‘Efficiency. Accuracy. Reliability’). All this is united by a massive drawing of a Su-24 in the background. On the back, we have the embroidered slogan «За волю України» (‘For the Freedom of Ukraine’) in an authentic font (the same font used on UGA aircraft more than 100 years ago) against a massive trident. The left sleeve features a printed image of Petro Franko, the founder of Ukrainian aviation, with Newports in the background. On the left sleeve, there is an embroidered ‘UA’.
AH_bfdd09c6-2fba-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Hey, falcons! We’ve created new ripstop cargo shorts for you – multi-purpose, manoeuvrable, and as long-awaited as the F-16s themselves. Our cargo shorts consist of 50% cotton and 50% nylon, making them resistant to damage and allowing the fabric to breathe.The F-16 shorts have six spacious pockets, including a large front patch pocket. On the left pocket, we have placed the official name of the aircraft – F-16 Fighting Falcon and ‘Ukrainian Air Force’. Above it, there is the outline of the aircraft itself against a yellow and blue roundel. Fly confidently and freely!
AH_a00934ac-2964-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Exploring the world is much easier if you wear a piece of it on yourself! In order to make the process of exploration easier for kids and parents, we have created a kids’ series of two-piece sets ‘Bugs’ within the collection ‘The world’s smallest aviation’. On the T-shirt, a scarab and a dragonfly are hiding at the top, a bee and a hornet are clinging to the bottom, and a rhinoceros beetle is crouching on the shorts. And since each insect has its own unique shape and livery, we decided to make the same choice of colours for the kids: blue, yellow, orange and green, just like the insect characters in our series.The two-piece set has six spacious pockets on the shorts: four in the front and two in the back; and one more on the front of the T-shirt. Well, little explorers have to keep their crafty equipment somewhere!
AH_65e18dbf-2966-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802If the Dragonfly could be put into service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it would be the coolest biological weapon in our arsenal. The tactical and technical characteristics of this insect are simply impressive: it can reach speeds of 100 km/h, hover in one spot like a helicopter, change flight direction in mid-air, and has a 360-degree panoramic view of the environment!This predatory beauty is native to all continents except Antarctica and is one of the oldest insects that have ever inhabited the planet Earth.Dragonfly larvae are born and live in water, while adult insects fly over water bodies. Their name ‘Odonata’ translates from Greek as ‘toothed’ as they have a peculiar jaw. The colour of their bodies depends on the species and can be brown, blue, yellow, green or red. So are their wings: they are usually transparent, but depending on the species, they have thick lace pattern of different colours.The Dragonfly kids’ two-piece set by Telesyk Airlines has a colour palette similar to that of real insects, so that every child can choose their own livery. We have placed Dragonfly with a harp on the front, and the logo of THE SMALLEST AVIATION IN THE WORLD collection on the shorts.
AH_7d6663c0-28b8-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Наша нова жіноча оверсайз футболка JAS 39 Gripen – про шведського красеня, який в недалекому майбутньому може стати на озброєння Повітряних сил України. Ми переконані, що цей Вікінг дуже пасував би українському небу і нашій інфраструктурі: він може блискавично швидко злітати з коротких злітно-посадкових смуг і сідати навіть на автомобільні шляхи. Жіноча футболка JAS 39 Gripen має оригінальний крій, де ми поєднали класичний рукав та рукав-реглан. Футболка має класичну пряму лінію спереду, що з'єднується з подовженою задньою частиною плавною лінією у формі хвилі. На фоні винищувача ми вписали красномовне «Once a Viking always a Viking», трохи – нижче «Continue Vikings story in Ukraine».
AH_9f949d6c-28b8-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Нова оверсайз футболка з нашої хуліганської серії про бойові літаки, які дуже пасували би українському небу. Цього разу про шведського красеня JAS 39 Gripen! Він був одним з тих літаків, що розглядалися нашими Повітряними Силами для заміни радянського авіапарку на рівні з F-16 та французькими Rafale. Одна з ключових переваг шведського винищувача – злітно-посадкові характеристики, бо ці пташки можуть блискавично швидко розосереджуватись і сідати навіть на автомобільні шляхи.
Чоловіча футболка JAS 39 Gripen має оригінальний крій, де ми поєднали класичний рукав та рукав-реглан. Футболка має класичну пряму лінію спереду, що з'єднується з подовженою задньою частиною плавною лінією у формі хвилі.
На фоні шведського багатофункціонального винищувача JAS 39 Gripen літака ми вписали потужне «Once a Viking always a Viking», трохи – нижче «Continue Vikings story in Ukraine». Погодьтесь, цьому залізному Вікінгу дуже пасує жовто-блакитний рондель.