AH_14d10638-9ab0-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802A women’s polo for and about our friends and allies. ‘The light side’ shows by its very appearance which side the wearer has chosen. We created this garment inspired by UAV operators whose eyes are hidden behind FPV goggles to make the world a little kinder (if you know what I mean). On the left shoulder, there is a patch with the ‘UA’ printed on it, and on the right shoulder, there is printed ‘Independence war’. On the back, among a scattering of UAVs, we placed the message ‘Join the light side!’
AH_5dc3a589-8492-11ef-9bc9-00155dcd4802This patch is dedicated to our friend and fellow soldier Artem Dymyd, who died in the war in June 2022. Artem, or, as everyone called him, friend Kurka, made a great contribution to the creation of Aviatsiya Halychyny and was once really into skydiving. He will forever remain in our memory as someone who lived life to the fullest and definitely had wings behind his back. In Artem’s memory, we created T-shirts and a patch with a quote from one of his favourite songs «Гей, браття – опришки» (‘Hey, Brothers, Opryshky’), namely: «Краще раз злетіти соколом у небі, аніж вічно жити в ярмі»( ‘It's better to fly like a falcon in the sky just once than to live in a yoke forever’).
AH_b42d900e-fd8b-11ee-9bc2-00155dcd4802Birds are always about freedom, wings and free flight. This is what our brand lives for. Women’s oversized T-shirt ‘Wings of the Free’ manifests this freedom in its purest form. People have long wanted to see the world from the bird’s eye view, so paragliders, balloons and aeroplanes were born out of this desire. It is the desire for freedom that we share with birds that keeps us from giving up our wings, even if they are not of flesh.
AH_f812051c-fd8b-11ee-9bc2-00155dcd4802Independent people have only one dependency, and that is dependence on freedom. In this respect, people are very similar to birds. Hundreds of years ago, Leonardo da Vinci wrote a treatise called ‘Codex on the Flight of Birds’, where he proposed a design for an aircraft that later formed the basis of the modern hang glider as based on the study of bird flight. Aviation has become the embodiment of the human dream of being free like birds. The stronger the dream, the easier it is to spread your wings.
AH_a6fc5bd7-79ac-11ef-9bc9-00155dcd4802Our new women’s polo shirt is so self-contained that it speaks for itself. And not only about the laws of aerodynamics, but also about the laws of beauty. Since flight, even if it is captured in a mere formula, is always beautiful!We placed the formula for wing lift on the chest:Y — lift (Н)Cy — coefficient of liftρ — air density at flight altitude (kg/m³)V — incoming flow speed (m/s)S — reference area (m²)Under the collar, we hid the coordinates of the town of Kitty Hawk in North Carolina, where in 1903 the Wright brothers took the Wright Flyer into the sky for the first time in history. Below is a print reminding you exactly how SYLA Gives you freedom to fly.
AH_34be78d8-5438-11ec-9ba3-ac1f6b742a2bChildren change their moods so quickly that sometimes St Nicholas himself gets confused whether to give them a stick or a nice present. And so that you don’t have to wonder what to gift your kids, we have made a great badge with both gifts and a stick!