AH_b5704f1e-1137-11ef-9bc2-00155dcd4802Йо! Якщо ви подумали, що то є просто жіночі джинси, то не так! Бо ми зробили для вас справжнісінькі ґаті! Саме так на Закарпатті називають штани, а раз ми надихалися цим дивокраєм – то і назвати їх можете так. Наші ґаті мають крій TAPERED (завужені від коліна і до низу) і мають безліч елементів з айдентикою саме цього краю та України. Окрім класичних кишень ззаду мають ще дві приховані місткі кишеньки, куди легко вміститься навіть телефон чи гаманець. Ґудзики і кнопки мають гравіювання з тризубами, петелька для ременя стилізована нашим фірмовим Proudly created in Ukraine, а на самих штанах є прихований шов, де ми розмістили традиційну Закарпатську вишивку.Like this comment
AH_6d0bfee5-0d3d-11ef-9bc2-00155dcd4802Закони аеродинаміки такі ж точні, як і наша віра в те, що ви з першого погляду закохаєтесь у це поло.Ми розмістили формулу підіймальної сили крила прямо під нашим лого спереду, аби ви собі мали чітке нагадування, на чому та вся світова авіація тримається.Y — підіймальна сила (Н)Cy — коефіцієнт підіймальної силиρ — густина повітря на висоті польоту (кг/м³)V — швидкість набігаючого потоку (м/с)S — характерна площа (м²)На спині закарбували великий принт з нагадуванням, що саме ця SYLA Gives you freedom to fly. А під комірцем заховали координати містечка Кітті-Гок у Північній Кароліні, а точніше тієї зовнішньої мілини, звідки у 1903 році брати Райт здійняли в небо перший у світі моторний керований літальний апарат, що заклало початок розвитку авіаційної індустрії.
AH_f6c33adc-fd57-11ee-9bc2-00155dcd4802We have created as true as possible metal pin depicting our Mi-24 as a powerful fighting
helicopter and a flying combat machine of the infantry. One of the pilots of the Air Force of
Ukraine who flies this beauty contributed to the creation of the mock-up!
AH_2d7722c8-fd58-11ee-9bc2-00155dcd4802If only you knew who helped us to design this pin! We will hold the intrigue for now, but be
sure that it has the form, the silhouette and the livery of those F-16 that will soon be joining
the Ukrainian Air Force. Put it near the heart and wear proudly.
AH_e7d31571-fcb2-11ee-9bc2-00155dcd4802Steve Jobs once said, “Simple can be harder than complex”. Our new men’s T-shirt Proudly
made in Ukraine is all about such simplicity with deep meaning. This is a story about the little
red label, which we have been proudly adding to every garment for almost a decade; our
unique quality sign which travelled from the tiny (but so original) label to a separate print.
Wear it with pride and fill the space around you with meaning.
AH_0bf8eb06-fcb3-11ee-9bc2-00155dcd4802If you have known us for a long time, you will definitely recognize that tiny red label which we have been proudly adding to every garment for almost a decade among thousands of others. Now our good old baby has moved to the print of the women’s T-shirt Proudly made in Ukraine. Wear it with pride, as it is not just about the clothes – it is about each of us.
AH_4c1e22cd-0165-11ef-9bc2-00155dcd4802Our new men’s T-shirt is dedicated to the titans of the 456th Transport Aviation Brigade named after Dmytro Maiboroda, who have been defending Ukraine on their powerful wings and supporting our soldiers at the front line since 2014. The Brigade belongs to the Centre Air Command and is stationed in Vinnytsia region. In addition to heavy military transport aircraft An-26, it is equipped with various types of helicopters used to carry out search and rescue operations and provide air ambulance support for our troops. The Vinnytsia-based transporters were among the first to fulfil the needs of our army in 2014 and defend the Ukrainian east from the enemy. In July 2014, an An-26 transport aircraft with tail number 19 was shot down by the enemy in Luhansk region: two crew members, Lieutenant Colonel Dmytro Maiboroda and Assistant Commander Lieutenant Colonel Dmytro Shkarbun, were killed. A new An-26 was later named after the former, and then the entire Brigade was named after him.The impressive Pegasus, a fantastic creature is depicted on the Brigade’s official emblem, on the T-shirt symbolises the strength and beauty of the Ukrainian aviation powerhouse.
AH_9ba0b4bc-0165-11ef-9bc2-00155dcd4802We created this women’s T-shirt inspired by the strength and beauty of the heavyweights of Ukrainian military aviation from the 456th Dmytro Maiboroda Brigade, which belongs to the Centre Air Command and is based in Vinnytsia region. The brigade is armed with An-26 military transport aircraft and various types of helicopters for combat, search and rescue and air ambulance operations. The 456th Brigade has been defending Ukraine from russian aggression for 10 years. It was one of the first to go to the East of Ukraine in 2014. In July of the first year of the war, the enemy shot down our An-26 transport aircraft with two crew members on board in the sky over Luhansk region. After that, a new An-26 was named after the fallen commander, and later the Brigade itself.The Pegasus is the symbol of the 456th Brigade and is depicted on its official emblem: in our variation, it is extremely fearsome, yet fabulous and romanticised.
AH_6a4ef744-f8a6-11ee-9bc2-00155dcd4802Our new kids’ long sleeve from the Always Explore collection helps not only kids, but also parents and others to explore the strange and little-known animals that have inhabited our planet at different times. The pangolin is a very mysterious animal whose scientific name is Manis, which means ‘spirit’ or ‘ghost’ in Latin. This species has existed for millions of years and is still found in some parts of the world. In nature, it can be up to 88 cm long, so we decided to depict our Pangolin almost in full growth: it is placed on both the front and back of the kids’ long sleeve. To make it more interesting for kids to explore this animal, we added some interesting facts about it to the print. There is the Telesyk Airlines logo on the sleeve and the collection logo on the front.
AH_5fa4f0ba-dd5a-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2bNothing can be more true and sincere than kids’ emotions. However, how to distinguish them is a whole new issue! We have created this kids’ long sleeve with descriptions of emotions in English and illustrations of dragons to make it interesting for kids and adults to learn about the types of emotions, fantastic creatures, and the world’s main language. The back has tiny wings so that kids can feel like a real dragon and then choose whether they are feeling Cheerful or Angry.