AH_3341bd5a-3855-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802We have special sentiments for vests. Those that would be perfect for work and festivities. And we apologise if you find it a little difficult to walk in crowded streets in our new FREEDOM vest, as people will keep asking where you got it. To avoid confusion, show them the inscription on the safety pin hanging from your pocket.The vest has an original cut: it is cut from a single pattern and fastened on both sides with 6 voluminous fasteners on the belt straps. On the front, we placed a decoding of how UKRAINE will sound according to the phonetic alphabet of NATO and the International Civil Aviation Organisation. On the large top pocket on the right there is a velcro tape where a chevron with the inscription «Всі проти нас, один тільки вітер назустріч» (‘Everyone is against us, only the wind is on our side’) is attached. The top pocket next to it has a printed roundel with a trident. We added velour overlays to the two voluminous pockets below to make it easier to attach chevrons. Another pocket is located a little behind, almost on the back, so that you can easily reach it with both hands. Each pocket has a safety pin with our traditional inscriptions ‘Proudly made in Ukraine’ and ‘Aviatsiya Nalychyny’ attached to the clasp. On the back there is a large inscription ‘Gives you freedom to fly’, and a little below it – ‘Since 2014’.
AH_63aece6a-387b-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Our new women’s vest is as bold and extraordinary as those to whom it is dedicated, because it is about Ukrainian aviators! It has a very original cut and is made from a single pattern. Instead of side seams, the vest is fastened with 6 voluminous fastexes on belt straps. On the front, we placed a decoding of how UKRAINE will sound according to the phonetic alphabet of NATO and the International Civil Aviation Organization. On the large top pocket on the right there is a velcro tape where a chevron with the inscription «Всі проти нас, один тільки вітер назустріч» (‘Everyone is against us, only the wind is on our side’) is attached. The top pocket next to it has a printed roundel with a trident. We added velour overlays to the two voluminous pockets below to make it easier to attach chevrons. Another pocket is located a little behind, almost on the back, so that you can easily reach it with both hands. Each pocket has a safety pin with our traditional inscriptions ‘Proudly made in Ukraine’ and ‘Aviatsiya Nalychyny’ attached to the clasp. On the back there is a large inscription ‘Gives you freedom to fly’, and a little below it – ‘Since 2014’.
AH_c2dd9648-50ca-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802Значок Мі-8 — один з найбільш очікуваних аксесуарів в асортименті Авіації Галичини. Це по-справжньому легендарний багатоцільовий вертоліт, який прямо зараз виконує бойові завдання та транспортні місії в найгарячіших точках нашої країни. Саме наші Мі-8 перевернули з ніг на голову історію застосування цієї машини у світі, зокрема після час вертолітних місій на Азовсталь, коли 7 екіпажів Мі-8 залетіли на понад 100 кілометрів в окупований Маріуполь, доправили нашим оборонцям підкріплення, зброю та провіант і забрали звідти поранених. До наших вертолітників такого не робив ніхто у світі. З розробкою макета значка нам допомагав командир екіпажу Мі-8, тому кріпіть біля серця і носіть з гордістю.
AH_b321fde3-4ff5-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802Ukraine now has the most effective fleet of maritime drones in the world, and our Sea Baby is the real king in this armada of surface drones. The Sea Baby is quietly but confidently sinking the russian fleet and clearing our seas of enemy scrap. But there are also ‘higher’ forces involved in clearing our sea, in particular, the Ukrainian Neptune missile that sank the flagship of the russian fleet, the cruiser Moskva. Our new women’s T-shirt ‘The art of military operations’ is about these heroes of our sea: both technological and those who stand behind their consoles. And mythological ones, too, since Neptune also has the Ukrainian Armed Forces chevron and is fighting on our side!
AH_c7b666fe-50a7-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802The skirt ‘The Witch of Konotop’ is our reinterpretation of traditional Ukrainian clothing, in particular the plakhta. In our interpretation, the modern plakhta is designed with two large patch pockets, on which we placed symbols from the mystical horror film by FILM.UA. The red and black colours reinforce the effect of connecting with your roots and traditions, while the original cut and length make you feel rebelliously free. The right pocket has the inscription ‘The Witch of Konotop’, and the left one – ‘Aviatsiya Halychyny’. The skirt will perfectly define the waist as we combined the back fastener with a comfortable elastic band on the belt.
AH_cceba113-4ff5-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802It is no secret that Neptune has a chevron of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and performs special tasks in cooperation with the Main Directorate of Intelligence, the Special Operations Forces and other units. Sometimes it works alone, and sometimes it is paired with Sea Baby marine predators. And this is what the art of military operations in Ukrainian seas looks like! The Hit me baby T-shirt is about cross-cutting symbolism. Because, in addition to Ukrainian Neptune missiles and our Sea Baby multi-purpose unmanned boats, there are definitely higher forces fighting on our side at sea.On the sleeve, there is a printed inscription ‘Independence War’. On the back, there is our logo printed to match the colour.