AH_12d34c89-7033-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802Comfortable and roomy shopping bag. It will be perfect for shopping, a laptop, and for a good bunch of books. The shopping bag ‘About the Trident’ has a large print with variations of our trident from different periods of history and the traditional wings of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.
AH_77bcffd6-6ea4-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802‘An indestructible machine gunner that relentlessly keeps mowing down,’ the occuoiers once whimpered about the Ukrainian robot ShaBlia. Our new men’s Iron Warrior T-shirt is designed to make sure there are more mowers like it! The complex consists of a ShaBlia turret and a mobile platform ‘Rys’ (‘Lynx’) and can move to a position on its own, conduct an all round defence of the area it is assigned, destroy hundreds of occupiers, evacuate the wounded from the battlefield and do many other useful things, while the operator controls his iron fellow with a joystick from a safe hiding place. The ShaBlia turret is controlled by a remote control. It is equipped with a camera and can be fitted with a thermal imager for night missions. The turret can be mounted not only on the Rys ground-based radio-controlled platform, but also on a vehicle, in a trench or blindage. The module can be armed with a machine gun, depending on the needs of the unit. The Rys unmanned robotic platform, which serves as a platform for the turret, can be controlled from a distance of more than 1,000 metres and carry a 150 kg payload. The Rys can travel up to 20 km on a single battery charge and move for up to 4 hours without interruption. The PRO version is capable of carrying up to 300 kg of payload, which often makes it the only chance for rescue during casualty evacuation.We will donate UAH 400 from each Iron Warrior T-shirt for an unlimited period to buy components for the robotisation of the Ukrainian army.
AH_34fb652b-6ea5-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802Ukrainian robots have been fighting side by side with our defenders for years. The radio-controlled iron ‘fellow soldiers’ help our infantry with logistics, firing, cover, casualty evacuation and many other situations where they take risks instead of humans. And the more of these ‘iron infantrymen’ appear in the Ukrainian army, the less our soldiers will have to risk their lives: robots will now go to the front line. To accelerate the process of robotisation of our army, we have created a new women’s T-shirt called Iron Warrior. Every UAH 400 from its sale will be donated to buy components for ShaRys robotic systems. The system consists of the ShaBlia turret and the Rys (‘Lynx’) mobile platform, which in tandem become an autonomous combat unit capable of moving into position and opening fire. The ShaBlia turret is controlled by a remote control. It is equipped with a camera and can be fitted with a thermal imager for night missions. The turret can be mounted not only on the Rys ground-based radio-controlled platform, but also on a vehicle, in a trench or blindage. The module can be armed with a machine gun, depending on the needs of the unit. The Rys unmanned robotic platform, which serves as a platform for the turret, can be controlled from a distance of more than 1,000 metres and carry a 150 kg payload. The Rys can travel up to 20 km on a single battery charge and move for up to 4 hours without interruption. The PRO version is capable of carrying up to 300 kg of payload, which often makes it the only chance for rescue during casualty evacuation.We will donate UAH 400 from each Iron Warrior T-shirt for an unlimited period to buy components for the robotisation of the Ukrainian army.
AH_52c26d16-6e8f-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802A reserved and yet having very distinct accents men’s T-shirt about the Patriot universal air defence system, which has been in service with the Ukrainian army for only a year, but from the very first days has become a real headliner in the war against russia. This beast will easily leave tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drones, enemy aircraft, helicopters and a bunch of other enemy hardware in the dust when other air defence systems are impotent. It is this system that is most effective against the russian hypersonic Kinzhal missile, which has been proven more than once by hundreds of lives saved. The development of the Patriot system began in the early 1960s, but it was only in 1982 that the US Army was able to take it into service. The system can simultaneously track 50 targets and hit five of them. Its missiles can reach more than two kilometres upwards and up to 160 kilometres off into the distance. The front of the T-shirt has a drawing of a missile and the large inscription with the name of the SAM, while the back has a decorative trident made of missiles.
AH_6f8f8a28-6e8f-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802A women's T-shirt about the Patriot universal air defence system, which has recently been in service with Ukrainian army. This beast easily catches up with and destroys absolutely all types of missiles used by our enemy. It works miracles where other air defence systems are helpless: for example, destroying hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, which was impossible before the Patriot was adopted. Its missiles can reach more than two kilometres upwards and up to 160 kilometres off into the distance, allowing the Ukrainian army to hit the nooks and crannies in the occupiers’ rear and bury the enemy in hell. On the front of the T-shirt, we placed a drawing of a missile and the SAM’s huge name, and on the back, there is a decorative trident.
AH_6192eae0-6b6e-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802A lightweight and compact metal flask that fits into any pocket. The lid screws on tightly and has a reliable silicone insert and valve to prevent leaks. The exterior of the flask has a very pleasant to the touch matte finish, on which we have placed the legendary slogan of the 12th Army Aviation Brigade «Вогонь запеклих не пече» (‘Fire does not burn the fiery’). It’s a great way to refuel yourself in the mountains, or to gift it to those you love.
AH_80b01e34-690e-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802То є наша нова зимова форма для маленьких авіаторів! Створили теплі дитячі штани-карго, би пасували і до школи, і до забави, і до польотів! Мають оригінальний крій з цупкими вставками на колінах і 6 містких кишень спереду. На верхній кишеньці ми додали креслюнок літака, а 4 кишеньки на колінах та трохи нижче зробили такими об’ємними, що вони вмістять усе найважливіше, що може знадобитися малим літунам у щоденних справах. На поясі резинка і шнурівка. Мають глибокий графітовий колір, пасують і хлопчикам, і дівчаткам.
AH_f4e98236-690b-11ef-9bc7-00155dcd4802Йо! Як же теперка файно на бескидах нашої Марсіанської колонії. Ні тобі фейсбучних сварок, ні корків на дорогах, ні підвечірніх комарів. А як згадати, що там нема сусідів-москалів, то се є чисто «незрівнянний світ краси». І поки нововорохтівські марсіанці успішно продовжують українську космічну програму, наш Мольфар одним оком випасає овець, а іншим пантрує би наші ЗСУ влучали адійо в ціль. Чи ви думали, що то все спутники? Ади!Наше жіноче поло «Друга експедиція Мольфара» має строгий сірий колір, традиційні для Гуцульської космічної програми шеврони та великий принт з Мольфаром-пастухом спереду.