AH_b88ef909-32ef-11eb-a232-0cc47a40fa97Ukrainian Falcons are not only about breath-taking air shows. They are also all about constant training and work, and not only in warm season. So, our comfortable and super warm men’s sleeveless jacket would definitely come in handy. It has an oblique front zipper for comfortable fastening (or unfastening), a neat front contrasting print with the regiment’s name “UKR Falcons” and a signature stylized trident. Deep warm pockets with fasteners and our designer innovation — SU-27 silhouette made with stitching (that’s why it is sizeable).We recommend washing items, but not often. If it's slightly soiled- just wipe with a damp clean cloth. After the season just washes the item at a temperature of 30 degrees. Please, do not bleach, boil, use tumble dry, and don't iron.
AH_a2687740-53e3-11eb-a232-0cc47a40fa97We go on making kids acquainted with interesting facts about flying animals from the collection “Explore the world with Telesyk Airlines”. We have a super extraordinary kid’s T-shirt about Mr. Stingray. We thought that the stingray is very similar to birds, it just flies under water. There is a large print of a stingray on the front which will tell about the current of this underwater aviator. The T-shirt is designed so as to repeat the pattern of a real stingray. So, kids can also feel like real stingrays; their energy will be enough. The T-shirt is a bit longer from the back, as the stingray has a tail. There is also a neat inscription “Telesyk Airlines” on the back with a slightly visible logo on the top.
AH_0ca2bdc9-06d1-11eb-a231-0cc47a40fa97Each gift certificate has a unique code that is activated for six months from the purchasing date. The value of the certificate may be used completely and only once. The value of the certificate reduces the purchase price by the appropriate amount, even if the amount of the order already includes any discounts.
You may use the gift certificate in our stores (except Duty-Free store) or on the website.
The certificate cannot be returned or exchanged for money. Also, there are no discounts for the purchase of a gift certificate.For more detailed information, please follow this link:
AH_c113d927-8a92-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Smooth and stylish men’s T-shirt. All the aviation exists thanks to the aerodynamic force. This is the force exerted on a body by the oncoming air flow.
Aerodynamic force is calculated by the formula: where
Y — lift force (N)
Cy — coefficient of lift force
ρ — density of the air at the altitude of flight (kg/m³)
V — airspeed (m/s)
S — frontal area (m²)See more men's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_5b65cb5d-8a95-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Чоловічий світшот “Сікорський” на честь українського інженера, який змайстрував перший вертоліт.Для холодної пори в цій колекції створили світшот. Спереду вишитий логотип Авіації Галичини. Є дві кишені, щоб сховати там якісь дрібнички або руки від холоду. Шию від вітру захищатиме високий комір із двома защіпками спереду та шнурком, аби можна було зручно відрегулювати розмір. На спині надруковано SikorSKY, а під написом красуються вертольоти виробництва “Sikorsky Aircraft”.
На лівому рукаві два шеврони – прапори України та США. Цікаве про прапор Америки – у військових є традиція, що зорі на ньому мають бути завжди попереду. Саме тому державна символіка на світшоті вишита в дзеркальному відображенні.
На правому рукаві вишитий символ української приналежності “UA”.Інші чоловічі світшоти можна переглянути в каталозі.
AH_aa1a6a04-8a91-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Men’s T-shirt “Ukrainian air force” inspired by Ukrainian pilots who guard the peace of our homes. The front side of the T-shirt is decorated with a picture of a roundel. Roundel is a rounded identification mark of military aircrafts, the colors of which repeat the motifs of the national flag. This marking is applied on the wings, fuselage or keel of the aircraft to identify the aircraft`s country of origin. And on the back there is the logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny.See more men's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_ce0d7bf0-545f-11e9-a21a-0cc47a40fa97Multifunctional hoodie comfortable for both city strolls and mountain hikes!
It has a lot of pockets to put any of your belongings.
There is a pocket with a fastener on the chest. Near it, there is a loop for glasses.
On the bottom there are 2 pockets with a fastener and 2 regular pockets.
There is a large pocket for a tablet, decorated with the aerodynamic force formula, inside the hoodie. There are also 2 more pockets: for documents and a wallet.
There is an inscription “SYLA” on the back.
For comfortable temperature regulation, there are special ventilators on the back and shoulders.
A raincoat is hidden in a pocket under the hood. When you decide to wash your hoodie, do not forget to pull it out and then put it back ;)See more hoodies for men in the catalog
AH_6db75403-8a7a-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Concise and comfortable - this is all about our polo which will complement your look for walking around the city.
Made of 100% cotton, so the body will be comfortable, even in hot weather.
There is an embroidered roundel, i.e. a round sign used by the military to mark their aircrafts, on the front.
There is a text about Aviatsiya Halychyny below it: “A Ukrainian clothing brand, inspired by the new Ukrainian army; the army that we had once is back to protect our borders and is becoming a new symbol of our freedom”.
There is an embroidered logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.
And if you raise the collar, you will see the printed inscription “Ukraine”.
There is a special loop for glasses under the buttons for you not to loose them.
There are also ventilators under the sleeves. These are holes that help your body breath.