AH_f21ad6a3-e49e-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bRed is love, and black is not sorrow. Sometimes it's just powerful colors that balance the meaning. For example, how on this women's T-shirt, dedicated to 12th helicopter brigade. A very active and brutal women's T-shirt that definitely provides wings and inspiration. Such a kind of energy to action. At the bottom — a print with attacking helicopters, and on the chest — our interpretation of the slogan "Вогонь запеклих не пече" with the signature of the brigade. Rondel on the shoulder and our logo on the back are our classic elements. The case where brutality fits.
AH_4e2d8b5b-e49e-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bOne more T-shirt dedicated to the 12th Brigade. This time it is a quite aggressive bright men’s T-shirt, brutal to some extent and at the same time not overloaded with decorative elements. On the right bottom, there is a print with attacking helicopters in a smoky cloud of dust; on the chest, there is our interpretation of the motto “The fire does not burn the Fiery”(«Вогонь запеклих не пече») which suits the Brigade to the best. In our opinion, red and black are perfectly suitable both for the Brigade and the motto. The Brigade’s full name is inscribed under the slogan. There is our imprinted logo on the back top, and a roundel with the inscription “Ukrainian Air Forces” on the left sleeve.
AH_f1a27b1d-cea0-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97We enjoy telling stories thorough our clothes, especially to children. It is always a true mental investment to the future. This kid’s sleeveless jacket “UKR Falcons” is no exception. In this way we can tell our children that Ukraine has cool pilots who are the members of Europe’s best air force team called “The Ukrainian Falcons”. The sleeveless jacket is warm and comfortable, it has a large hood with strings which can fit even onto a hat or a cap. There are comfortable pockets with zippers so that you don’t lose anything important. There is a yellow and grey print with the name of the air force team on the front. On the back (and this is the coolest thing), there is a three-dimensional (due to stitching) SU-27 aircraft! The one on which the amazing aerial stunts are performed all over the world by the Ukrainian Falcons.
AH_1ce1431a-cea4-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97A powerful men’s polo dedicated to the greatest international military exercise in the territory of Ukraine which become even more relevant each year. The polo is in maritime colors — blue and navy blue. On the back, there is the frigate “Hetman Sahaydachnyi” — a multipurpose combat ship of the Ukrainian Naval Forces. Below it, there are flags of the main countries which participated in the military exercise; there is also a description of the main goal of the exercise set below :) The outlines of the Black Sea serve as a background. On the chest on the right, there is a large print which depicts Neptune wringing the necks of a two headed hen off. There is also a NATO star and coordinates of the Black Sea. Our logo is placed on the right. The right sleeve is decorated with our fantasies on the logo of the military exercise, and the left one has a roundel with an anchor — the symbol of Ukrainian Naval Aviation.
AH_9ae44fad-d5aa-11eb-a237-0cc47a40fa97Войовниче жіноче поло, присвячене нашому Чорному морю. І військовим навчанням, які відбуваються тут щороку, попри спроби ворогів запобігти цьому. На спині — флагман українського флоту — фрегат «Гетьман Сагайдачний». Під ним — прапори країн, що беруть участь у навчаннях Sea Breeze. Там же гасло — «гуртом і москаля легше бити».Спереду на грудях — наше вишиване лого з одного боку та Нептун, який зав’язує на ґудз (вузол по інакшому) шиї двоголовій курці. А ще — координати Чорного моря та натівська зірка. Правий рукав прикрашає принт з назвою навчань та зображенням Чорного моря, лівий — жовто - блакитний рондель та напис Ukrainian NAVY. На комірі з внутрішнього боку — напис «Готові завжди».
AH_fa3ff649-cdca-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97Perhaps, these are our most rebellious and aviation-related women’s jumpsuit we have ever created (or maybe, in the whole world). Comfortable and stylish, extremely similar to a real jumpsuit of carrier-based aviation, but more beautiful, of course.There are large front patch pockets on the chest and on the pants, strings from the sides to fit it comfortably to the waist; the jumpsuit is a bit tightened on the waist from the back for a better fit. The main embellishment of the jumpsuit is a large bright print on the back. A kind of a Ukrainian pin-up about Ukrainian women – stylish, strong and determined, unrestrainable in spirit.
AH_d61e1e5f-c531-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97Sea Breeze exercise is a multinational military training conducted on the territory of Ukraine since 1997 co-hosted by Ukraine and the USA. Participants of the training are Bulgaria, Great Britain, Greece, Georgia, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Sweden and Finland. This is an extraordinary event in the military life of Ukraine. The role of this exercise became even more significant after 2014. Annual protests and provocations of russia are illustrative of importance of the training. What’s peculiar, from the very beginning of exercise russia has never participated in it. Perhaps our American partners knew or anticipated something back in 1997. Anyway, this is a perfect topic for embodiment in clothes. So, it turned out to be an original T-shirt but no less vigorous in mood. The front print depicts Neptune wringing the necks of a two-headed hen off (someone may see it as an eagle); below, there is the motto which actually could be the motto of the exercise – “Гуртом і москаля легше бити.” (“Many hands make it easier to beat the russian”). Above the print, there is the real motto of Sea Breeze exercise. Our version of the exercise’s logo and a star, i.e. the symbol of NATO, which complement the mood (something between boldness and a beach party), are imprinted on the sleeves.
AH_770b3a68-ccf8-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97A molfar is not just an ordinary person, and neither is a molfar from Mars. That one can cast a spell on a sandstorm and make it cease, and turn Martian ice into water, and even cook borsch in weightlessness as it should be. Our new edition of men’s polo “Molfar” is about this outstanding person. More reserved in colors: black, white and gray. There are traditional chevrons of Hutsul Space Program and a large front print depicting a martian molfar herding the sheep.
P.S.: By the way, all these Star Treks are cribbed from the history of Hutsul space
fleet – they just fibbed but we all know the truth :)
See more men’s polo shirts in the catalog
AH_33a0b3b9-cab7-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97Our space mission is doing well. The spaceships are being built, and Nova Vorokhta, the capital of Martian Hutsulshchyna, is prospering. Obviously, the “Molfar” project needs new assistants, and for sure, there is a cool uniform for them. This is a kid’s polo “Molfar”. Practical colors don’t allow Martian dust to settle on the garment. On the front, there is a chevron with the main temple of Nova Vorokhta; below, there is a large print depicting space shepherds.
See more kids' polo shirts in the catalog
AH_10cabcdd-ca9c-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97Our colonies on Mars are growing, and with them – the Hutsul Space Program. The number of Martian sheep is also growing, and in addition to space grazhda (homestead), there is a large club in Nova Vorokhta. Probably, there was a need to make such clothes for going to the club, too. So now we have this nice women’s dress. Polo dress, not too bright and therefore practical. One may not herd the sheep while wearing it, but it is convenient to dance, to work, and to read in it. There are two chevrons on its sleeves: chevrons with Nova Vorokhta and the name of the mission — MOLFAR. On the back, there is an imprinted name of the mission and logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny. On the bottom, there is an imprinted UA on a kind of a shingle to make it clear that it is Hutsul. Unearthly beautiful.See more women’s dresses in the catalog
AH_a992ebb4-ff2d-11ea-a231-0cc47a40fa97We always emphasize that clothes we make give the freedom to fly. In this case, not only to those who wear them but also to birds that cannot fly although they were born to do it. A cute and cozy light hoodie. On the front there is a large appliqué plane and a penguin flying on it. There are clouds on the back. It is a kind of a reminder that even if someone doesn’t have what they want, they can get it one day.
AH_863edd6c-c952-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97The penguin is an extremely respectable bird. It has even a tailcoat. A penguin walks slowly but swims very fast. Penguins live mainly in the cold, namely in Antarctica and Subantarctic. But some species are found in Africa, Australia, and South America.
The only trouble is that it cannot fly. In fact, the penguin is not the only one. That’s why our collection “Born to Fly” appeared. It is about birds that cannot fly. This is the first kid’s hoodie of that collection. On the front, there is our Mr. Penguin in an appliqué plane (as we were supposed to help him fly) among the clouds. Below there is a printed title of the collection with a brief explanation. The hoodie is warm and comfortable, and even a little educational.