AH_49243c8a-2824-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's black T-shirt "Хай правда наповнить наше повітря" that means "Let the truth fill our air." If a revolution could look elegant, it would look like this. At the bottom left there is a printed application with a quote. On the back on the top there is a label, dedicated to the series and our logo.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_0dd37f0b-2824-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's T-shirt with a clear position. The colour of T-shirt is light gray. It has black issues on the sleeves, collar and bottom. The quote "Люблю цю країну", that means "Love this country" is printed on stripes. On the back there is our logo and label dedicated to the series.
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AH_9de71f9e-116c-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bA new men's shirt, that suits both for a walk on nature or to the office. The fabric is thick, but unlike most shirts of this style, is not dark, in a pleasant light blue color. The shirt dedicated to the aircraft designer of Ukrainian origin Igor Sikorsky. Sikorsky's printed helicopters and embroidered signature of the aircraft designer are in the front on the pocket. On the sleeve there are printed inscription Sikorsky and the coordinates of his first workshop in the United States. The Sikorsky Aircraft slogan "Better tomorrow arrives today" is printed on the back along the seam. And on the top on the back there is our little embroidered logo.
AH_9acbe02a-116d-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bВільна жіноча сорочка, цупка, тому може слугувати легкою курткою. Світлого синього кольору. Комір має цікаві кольорові акценти на кутих. Принти на сорочці присвячені витворам авіаційного мистецтва Ігоря Сікорського. На передній кишені — принтовані моделі гелікоптерів конструктора з його вишитий підпис. Рукав декоровано принтом з координатами першої майстерні Сікорського в США, а на спині — слоган Sikorsky Aircraft: "Better tomorrow arrives today" у спеціально відведеному у конструкції полі. На спині вгорі — наше вишите лого.
Інші жіночі сорочки можна глянути в каталозі.
AH_00aae3eb-21cb-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's hoodie, that will warm up and make you more noticeable at night. Because it has reflectors under the zippers, on the front and on the sides. you can find them under the locks with the inscription "remove before night". They will help to remain visible to drivers in the dark. It has a deep hood and oblique zippers on the latch, on both sides, to make it easier to choose a design that you like best. On one side it is the inscription Aviatsiya Halychyny, on the other - the international marking of Lviv airport in the ICAO system: UKLL and the marking of the runway 31-13. And traditionally our printed logo on the back under the hood.See more hoodies for women in the catalog.
AH_d5a08d68-21ca-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bTravel is not always about the summer. Sometimes it is cold and dark. Our new men's hoodie is for such occasions. Restrained, but quite unusual in execution. On the front there are two Lock-zippers on the latch, so you can latch it on two sides, depending on which design you prefer. On one side is simply inscription Aviatsiya Halychyny, on the other - the international marking of the Lviv airport in the ICAO system: UKLL and the marking of the runway 31-13. On the front and on the back there are long zippers with red pullers, where are written "remove before night". There are hidden reflectors there, that are visible at night. Deep comfortable hood and our printed logo on the back from above.
AH_10ae6198-e629-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bBuntarky are always ahead. They mean both the spirit and the wings which are always with you. This is the mood of our new women’s T-shirt “Unrestrainable in spirit”. There, the wings are hidden in the very design. There are cuts on the back also resembling wings in from. On the front, there is a large print with an inscription “Unrestrainable in spirit” («Нестримні духом») and a Buntarka near the aircrafts. A vivid cerise T-shirt with a mood of flight.
AH_c5471b14-e629-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bЖіноча футболка про транспортний гелікоптер, який міг би, якби захотів, і Місяць перевезти десь інде. Створив того красеня Ігор Сікорський, конструктор українського походження. Цей вантажний гелікоптер чи то пак Повітряний кран (як власне і перекладається назва skycrane) мав дуже круті характеристики: максимальна злітна вага — 21 тонна, максимальна швидкість — 240 км на годину, дальність польоту — 370 км. Ще й встановив у 1971 році рекорд зі швидкопідйомності. Спереду на футболці — великий принт, що зображує skycrane, який перевозить Місяць (місяць принтований особливим рельєфним друком). Принт на спині має напис sikorsky, а також, меншим шрифтом, пам’ятку, що цей американський гелікоптер з двома двигунами був спроєктований Sikorsky Aircraft. Червона бірочка Proudly made in Ukraine збоку та принт з роком виготовлення Skycrane на плечі.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_bbf4f240-e49e-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bSikorsky skycrane is a real engineering marvel. A mighty helicopter crane having outstanding characteristics as of the time it was built. Even now they look quite impressive: maximum takeoff weight is 21 tons, maximum speed reaches 240 km per hour and its flight range is 370 km. In addition, the “bird” set a record of lifting speed in 1971 – the skycrane has gained height of 9000 m just in 5 min 58 sec. So we couldn’t but create a T-shirt with such a giant. On the front, there is a print depicting the helicopter itself with its name inscribed. It transports the Moon imprinted and sewn on the bottom of this men's T-shirt. On the back, there is an imprinted inscription “Sikorsky”, as well as a smaller sign that this American helicopter with two engines was designed by Sikorsky Aircraft. The year of Skycrane manufacture is placed on the shoulder. There is a red label “Proudly made in Ukraine” on the side because we are proud of what we do.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_0bcfabdc-e49f-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's T-shirt "THE FIRE OF FIERY 3.0", dedicated to the 12th brigade, now is in a new design.The front print depicts a helicopter in attack, which seems to be connected with a dragon blazing with fire, as a symbol of the strength and courage of helicopter pilots. On the back is our small printed logo and the our interpretation of the slogan of the brigade "Вогонь запеклих не пече". Ukrainian Air Force rondel on the shoulder.
AH_8903556b-e49e-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bNew men's T-shirt dedicated to the 12th brigade. This time the mood is a little different. On the front of the T-shirt there is a kind of metaphorical print, where it seems to be combined, an attacking helicopter and a dragon blowing fire. On the back there are the our interpretation of the slogan "Вогонь запеклих не пече", the signature of the brigade and our printed logo on the top. On the shoulder — rondel of Ukrainian Air Force.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.