AH_cdde25fd-4b50-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802In early 2022, the image of the Witch of Konotop came to life in the imagination and minds of millions of Ukrainians. And not just Ukrainians, if you know what I mean. It’s not about an old legend or a literary work by Kvitka-Osnovianenko anymore – it’s about the strength and struggle of a Ukrainian woman. It’s about the brave women from Konotop who stood in front of the invader’s tanks at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, reminding the intruders that it’s better not to mess with a town where every second woman is a witch, and every Ukrainian woman who draws strength from her roots and has the power to fight pure evil. This is exactly what our new women’s T-shirt ‘The Witch of Konotop’ is about. There is a large printed symbol from the eponymous horror film on the back. On the front, there is a print with ancient Slavic runes used in the symbolism of the film ‘The Witch of Konotop’. On the right sleeve, there is an inscription ‘The Witch of Konotop’, and on the left one – ‘Aviatsiya Halychyny’.
AH_04fdcfb4-4a65-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802Знаєте, що спільного між концертами гурту «Жадан і Собаки» і процесом збагачення урану? Обидва дійства завершуються вивільнення шаленої енергії. Бо якщо ви хто хоч раз чули традиційне Outro після концерту харківського колективу, то за цю футболку ви точно «згадаєте нас добрими словами»!
AH_05eedbae-3d21-11ef-9bc5-00155dcd4802A series of T-shirts ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ is our shot at the occupiers in the Kharkiv direction, made by the soldiers of the Khartiia Brigade. Part of the proceeds from the sale of each T-shirt goes to the needs of the Brigade, which from the very beginning of the full-scale invasion while being a volunteer unit, did not allow the enemy to enter Kharkiv. All this time, the poet and volunteer Serhiy Zhadan has been supporting the Khartiia in every way possible, from providing supplies to composing the anthem. Now the Kharkiv rebel has joined the ranks of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. So while the one who is the main voice of the brigade has taken up arms, each of us can make this voice sound even louder – by wearing a T-shirt ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ with the lyrics of the anthem written by Serhiy Zhadan, you speak in the name of the Brigade. So speak louder.
AH_55170327-3d21-11ef-9bc5-00155dcd4802A series of T-shirts ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ is our shot at the occupiers in the Kharkiv direction, made by the soldiers of the Khartiia Brigade. Part of the proceeds from the sale of each T-shirt goes to the needs of the Brigade, which from the very beginning of the full-scale invasion while being a volunteer unit, did not allow the enemy to enter Kharkiv. All this time, the poet and volunteer Serhiy Zhadan has been supporting the Khartiia in every way possible, from providing supplies to composing the anthem. Now the Kharkiv rebel has joined the ranks of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. So while the one who is the main voice of the brigade has taken up arms, each of us can make this voice sound even louder – by wearing a T-shirt ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ with the lyrics of the anthem written by Serhiy Zhadan, you speak in the name of the Brigade. So speak louder.
AH_a794d58a-3d21-11ef-9bc5-00155dcd4802The founder and commander of the Khartiia Brigade, Vsevolod Kozhemiako, pointed very accurately that the Khartiia is a manifesto of action. And guys of Kharkiv know very well how to act. Recently, this was confirmed by poet and volunteer Serhiy Zhadan, who was voluntarily recruited to join the Brigade together with members of the Zhadan i Sobaky band. At the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, he was one of those who contributed to the creation of the Khartiia and has been actively supporting the volunteer combat unit, which has now grown into a full-fledged brigade. It was Zhadan who came up with the name for the unit and also composed the anthem for the Khartiia figthers, the lyrics of which we have inscribed on the T-shirts.Now, as a fighter of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine ‘Khartiia’, Serhiy Zhadan continues to do everything possible to ensure that he and his comrades have everything they need to liberate Kharkiv region from the occupiers as soon as possible.By purchasing a T-shirt from the ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ series, you donate UAH 400 for the needs of the Brigade. Turn your manifesto into action.
AH_be2977e7-3d21-11ef-9bc5-00155dcd4802The founder and commander of the Khartiia Brigade, Vsevolod Kozhemiako, pointed very accurately that the Khartiia is a manifesto of action. And guys of Kharkiv know very well how to act. Recently, this was confirmed by poet and volunteer Serhiy Zhadan, who was voluntarily recruited to join the Brigade together with members of the Zhadan i Sobaky band. At the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, he was one of those who contributed to the creation of the Khartiia and has been actively supporting the volunteer combat unit, which has now grown into a full-fledged brigade. It was Zhadan who came up with the name for the unit and also composed the anthem for the Khartiia figthers, the lyrics of which we have inscribed on the T-shirts.Now, as a fighter of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine ‘Khartiia’, Serhiy Zhadan continues to do everything possible to ensure that he and his comrades have everything they need to liberate Kharkiv region from the occupiers as soon as possible.By purchasing a T-shirt from the ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ series, you donate UAH 400 for the needs of the Brigade. Turn your manifesto into action.
AH_e64fbc51-3d21-11ef-9bc5-00155dcd4802‘We are now addressing you as recruits of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, the ‘Khartiia’,’ said Serhiy Zhadan, wearing pixel and standing next to his brothers in art and arms. Recently, the poet and leader of the band Zhadan i Sobaky, along with three other band members, joined the ranks of the Khartiia Brigade – a Brigade he helped to create and support at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. This collection is a symbiosis of the culture we showed in the Zhadan.Quotes collection and the struggle we featured in the Khartiia collection. Serhiy Zhadan is the author of the official anthem of the Brigade, so our new collection is based on his most powerful quotes. The black T-shirt of the new series has a printed inscription «Нами твориться наша історія» (‘We make our history’) on the chest and the ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ logo on the sleeve.UAH 400 from the sale of each T-shirt goes to the needs of the Brigade, which is currently evicting the enemy from the Kharkiv region.
AH_096879fe-3d22-11ef-9bc5-00155dcd4802‘We are now addressing you as recruits of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, the ‘Khartiia’,’ said Serhiy Zhadan, wearing pixel and standing next to his brothers in art and arms. Recently, the poet and leader of the band Zhadan i Sobaky, along with three other band members, joined the ranks of the Khartiia Brigade – a Brigade he helped to create and support at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. This collection is a symbiosis of the culture we showed in the Zhadan.Quotes collection and the struggle we featured in the Khartiia collection. Serhiy Zhadan is the author of the official anthem of the Brigade, so our new collection is based on his most powerful quotes. The black T-shirt of the new series has a printed inscription «Нами твориться наша історія» (‘We make our history’) on the chest and the ‘Khartiia. Zhadan’ logo on the sleeve.UAH 400 from the sale of each T-shirt goes to the needs of the Brigade, which is currently evicting the enemy from the Kharkiv region.
AH_db8d5d91-48fa-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802– Двоє гарних крил, і мені вже ніц не треба, – співав Скрябін у своїй старій добрій пісні «Птахи». А ми собі подумали, що часом не зле мати й одне. Особливо якщо воно настільки фантастичне, що ігнорує усі закони фізики і дає змогу літати. Бо наша нова жіноча спідниця Крило – то якраз про виклики і законам фізики, і канонам моди. Спідниця має оригінальний крій з поясом, що плавно переходить в лямку на плече. Широка, з двома місткими кишенями і ледь прихованим принтом крила по всій довжині. На поясі – принтований напис Aviatsiya Halychyny.
AH_0ea975b8-4832-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802Flying squirrels mastered the sky long ago. They fly between the trees thanks to the membranes between the base of the tail and hind legs.
Our hoodie also has these membranes between the arms. Original free cut.
On the front side there is a zipper that starts at the bottom and goes around the hood. It is decorated with patches with pictures of flying squirrels and mountains.
There is a picture of squirrel’s eyes and whiskers on the hood; there are also ears made of fabric sewn to the hood.
The left sleeve is decorated with the logo of “Telesyk airlines”.
There is a logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.
AH_b5a02e71-33b6-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Our ripstop cargo shorts are the thing you’ve been dreaming of, but didn't realize it! The heavy-duty fabric consisting of 50% cotton and 50% reinforced nylon makes them resistant to damage, but at the same time breathable and smooth to the touch.The shorts have six comfy pockets and a rather original, yet restrained cut. On the voluminous left cargo pocket, we placed the inscription ‘SYLA’, which is slightly covered by the print of the lift formula itself, and above the pocket, we illustrated how these miracles work.
AH_4ba6d613-2968-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Бджілки – то є найпрацьовитіші істоти на землі, бо вони починають приносити користь вже на другий день свого життя. А менш ніж за тиждень від народження ці крихітні авіатори відправляються у свої перші самостійні польоти! Якби порівнювати їх зі справжніми авіаторами, то є в них щось і від транспортників, бо за один раз вони можуть підняти вантаж у сотні разів більший за них самих; і від винищувачів, бо вони так само безстрашно захищають свій вулик навіть від найстрашніших ворогів.Ми створили одразу три варіанти дитячих суконь у ніжних кольорових поєднаннях: блакитно-рожева, жовто-блакитна і молочно рожева. Сукні мають оригінальний оверсайз-крій з широкими рукавами і розсипом бджілок на кольорових вставках.На спині — логотип TELESYK AIRLINES. Спереду — принтоване The world's smallest aviation.