AH_683677c2-cc55-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bThis war once again convinced us that our greatest strength and the best thing we have are our people. From the very first day, thousands of our volunteers are packing first-aid kits, cooking, and welding Czech hedgehogs. Also, they are gathering and feeding pets, weaving masking nets, relocating refugees, and organizing classes for children. Our kids give their pocket money for quadrocopters used for intelligence, and the farmers are towing enemy equipment with their tractors. The list can go on and on, but the essence is the same - Ukraine is the place where great people live. That’s what our new t-shirt is about. It’s available in two colors for your liking. On the front, there’s a large print Ukraine is the Capital of Great People in a blue and yellow roundel. Our logo is printed on the back, and at the side seam, there’s a label Proudly made in Ukraine, because we are proud of what we do. Independence War is printed on the sleeve because this is our war for independence.See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_c2986d03-cc54-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bWhen the full-scale war started it became clear that our strength is not only in our Army. Our main strength is our people. The civilian volunteers, doctors, and military volunteers who left their familiar life and decided to take up arms, Ukrainian women with their children who raise money for copters, and go out on demonstrations all over the world to make our victory closer. That’s what our new men’s t-shirt is about. It’s quite simple but it’s enough. On the front there’s a print Ukraine is the Capital of Great People inside a roundel, - and it’s the truth. On the sleeve, there’s an Independence War print, and the label Proudly made in Ukraine is at the side seam. Our logo is printed in matching color on the back. The t-shirt is available in two colors
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_815ee08b-cc3e-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bIn April the 93rd Brigade Kholodnyi Yar shared pictures of their “artworks” of defending our country. :) One of them was not only beautiful but also very symbolic - it was a blown-off russian tank turret lying in a middle of a field. From above it looks like a skull. Which very much resonates with our faith in victory. The enemy has to know that the only thing waiting for them in Ukraine is death. So we were inspired to make one more t-shirt from the Independence War series. It’s a black men’s t-shirt in a sort of Mexican style with a large print on the front. There’s our traditional side seam label Proudly made in Ukraine, and a printed logo in matching color on the back.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_95baa4bc-c13f-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bWe all love symbols, don’t we? Lately, a lot of symbolic things have been given to us by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and by ordinary Ukrainian people. This very t-shirt is dedicated to the symbolic Neptune missile strike on the flagship of moscovian fleet named "moskva". Of course, we couldn’t help perpetuating this event on a t-shirt. :) There’s a large print on the front where Neptune is knotting together the necks of the symbol of moscovia - the two-headed bird. There’s also a hidden inscription Independence War on the sleeve and a printed logo in matching color up on the back.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_ba193c48-c13f-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bAnother cool Ukrainian victory in this war (both symbolic and military) is the drowning of the flagship of the russian Black sea fleet symbolically named "moskva". We did it with the Neptune missiles. Drowning moskow can virtually become our national idea, at least for the nearest future. We're thankful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for such wonderful news, and we decided to celebrate this event with a t-shirt. In a large print on the front Neptune is symbolically tying the heads of the moscovian-horde two-headed eagle in a knot, showing that the Black sea is Neptune's kingdom. The t-shirt is of milky color, with blue print. On the back, there's our logo in matching color, and the Independence War print is on the sleeve, because it is our War for Independence.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_1062fc3d-b426-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bThis T-shirt for children is dedicated to the war. Our war for Independence, for our future. Children are the future we are fighting for. We want them to speak their own language. We want them not to be afraid. We want people to never hurt them nor their land. That’s what this war is about and this is what we stated on the T-shirt. It is very simple with a big print “Independence war. Battle for the future” in the colors of our flag and a small logo on the back. We are writing our history and our children are the ones who will carry on our values to the future generations.See more kids’ t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_14b82be5-b048-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bNLAW - is the war hit, especially in the arms of our soldiers. And Maria Prymachenko’s art legacy is the hit of Ukrainian painting. This male T-shirt is our try to unite these triumphs in one. A big print of an imaginative creature on the front by the motives of Maria Prymachenko’s images that is holding the very same slightly imaginative NLAW. On the left sleeve we have a logo “Independence war”, as we are fighting for our Independence.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_d58e5e5c-b05f-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bСимаргл — то персонаж з української міфології, якого зображали в образі крилатого пса: перші згадки і зображення походять ще з часів правління князя Володимира у 980 році.Нині нашу землю оберігають як реальні герої з Сил оборони, так і все те, у що віримо ми і вірять наші предки. І Симаргл саме про ту силу нашої міфології, яку ми маємо берегти і плекати. У нашій інтерпhетації ця міфологічна істота розправляється з кацапським вертольотом.Кишені повторюють лопаті гелікоптера, тож, крім звиклого доступу до кишені є ще один — через верхню «лопать». Має теплий комір стійкою, зіпер по центру, манжети по низу виробу і на рукавах. У манжетах на рукавах є отвори для пальців. Від ліктя до зап`ястя на задній частині рукавів — мембранна тканина, би не промокали та довше не зношувались. У середині светра — прихована кишеня на зіпері. По декорам все, як ми любимо: на спині — великий принт, де Симаргл розриває московитський вертоліт. Ну і наше вишите лого. На рукаві — нашивка Independence War, бо це наша Війна за Незалежність.
AH_e24725ae-b058-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bOn February 24, 2022 started the active phase of our Independence war. A crazy dwarf with Napoleonic ambitions decided to attack our country with great force, but we fought back. Ukrainians showed themselves as brave warriors. We showed a strong spirit that impressed the whole world. This is what this male T-shirt is about. It’s about our war! It has a very simple design because design doesn’t matter here. This is the case when one print says it all. The words “Independence war. Battle for the future” on the chest in yellow and blue colors with our little logo printed on the back.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_08b6e8e9-b059-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bA minimalistic female T-shirt where the meaning comes first, and the shape comes second. It doesn’t have a lot of decoration or different techniques, nor a complex style because we don’t need this. This T-shirt simply states that this is the Independence war. We will win, no doubt. Ukraine was, is and will be, but the Russians, who are trying to break us, destroy our cities and hurt our hearts, will fall. We are in the war for Independence. It will enter history as a memory about the indomitable spirit of Ukrainians. So, the main idea in this t-shirt is a blue-yellow print on the chest that says “Independence war. Battle for the future”. That’s it, just a small printed logo on the back.See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.