AH_85af1775-69a2-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bДіти обожнюють всякі магічні та міфічні штуки. Скарабей якраз з таких створінь. Єгиптяни вважали його створіннями богів сонця. То нехай дитина котить вам світло і радість в худі, як цей жук сонце.
На спині дитячого теплого худі розташовано принт з вишивкою у вигляди сакрального скарабея. На правому рукаві шеврон “the world's smallest airlines”. На грудях зліва вишивка “Telesyk airlines”. Зроблена з якісних матеріалів і приємна до тіла. Вставки на рукавах імітують лапки жука.
Scarab is the beetle sure of itself and its goal. This curious insect was sacred to the ancient Egyptians; it may grant you feeling of utmost importance as well. Receive both comfort and style from this cozy women’s hoodie.
The back has a print with an embroidered Egypt-themed stylized scarab. The right sleeve has “the world's smallest airlines” chevron. On the chest, there is an embroidery of “Telesyk airlines” brand on the left. Inserts on the sleeves imitate beetle’s legs.
Respecting the elders, honoring traditions, bravery, and, of course, adventures with the trusty sword – the stag beetle samurai will teach you it all. This beetle as a Japanese warrior will keep up your kid’s battle spirit.
This kid’s hoodie has a print on the back with an embroidered stag beetle samurai. The right sleeve has “the world's smallest airlines” chevron. On the chest, there is an embroidery “Telesyk airlines” on the left. Inserts on the hood imitate beetle’s legs.
AH_746401ae-69ab-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bAncient Japanese proverb says, ‘A samurai has no goal, only path’. Only you choose what the path leads to, and this stag beetle, stylized as a noble Japanese warrior, will help not to go astray.
This warm men’s hoodie has a print on the back with an embroidered stag beetle samurai. The right sleeve has “the world's smallest airlines” chevron. On the chest, there is an embroidery “Telesyk airlines” on the left. Inserts on the hood imitate beetle’s legs.
AH_4d46913a-69ab-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bJapan has always enticed with its mysterious and enigmatic culture. Its skillful samurais are famous for their dedication to the cause and firm beliefs. They are similar to stag beetles – tough and ready to protect what is theirs. This beauty stylized as a samurai will highlight both your tough and elegant features.
This warm women’s hoodie has a print on the back with an embroidered stag beetle samurai. The right sleeve has “The world's smallest airlines” chevron. On the chest, there is an embroidery “Telesyk airlines” on the left. Inserts on the hood imitate beetle’s legs.
AH_fd28e864-6a71-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bYour kid got interested in music and you want to develop their taste? Do not waste any time – tell them about the famous “Beatles” that conquered the world and gift this hoodie. Our Rhino McCartney has the guitar and the drumsticks, although he does not drink tea. But if the kid grows up to be a rock star – that is not our fault)
The hoodie is comfortable, pleasant to touch. The back of this warm kid’s hoodie has a print of embroidered rhino beetle with instruments, reminding of the native land of rock music. The right sleeve has “the world's smallest airlines” chevron. On the chest, there is an embroidery “Telesyk airlines” on the left. Inserts on the hood imitate beetle’s horns and inserts on the sleeves imitate beetle’s legs.
AH_350c69d8-6a72-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bTo be cozy you need favorite warm clothes. To feel warmth at heart, you need good music. We united these things in the hoodie from our “The world's smallest airlines” series. It is warm and comfortable, and this British Beetle with instruments will always remind you of the cheerful music of the Beatles.
The back of this warm women’s hoodie has a print with an embroidered beetle. The right sleeve has “the world's smallest airlines” chevron. On the chest, there is an embroidery “Telesyk airlines” on the left. Inserts on the hood imitate beetle’s horns and inserts on the sleeves imitate beetle’s legs.
AH_5f9f4354-6a72-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bThis rhino beetle won’t ever let you forget about your great music taste. It has a guitar, drumsticks, and, just in general, reminds of the legendary band the Beatles. Let this hoodie bring you warmth and inspiration to your creativity.
This men’s hoodie has a print on the back with an embroidered rhino beetle. The right sleeve has “the world's smallest airlines” chevron. On the chest, there is an embroidery of “Telesyk airlines” brand on the left. Inserts on the hood imitate beetle’s horns and inserts on the sleeves imitate beetle’s legs.
AH_af6c0cf8-699a-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bThe strength is in our unity. The strength is in our joint work. Bees work for a common goal. Grab a hoodie with the most persistent insect worker to support team spirit for yourself and your colleagues. The back of this warm men’s hoodie features an embroidered bee print. There is a chevron ‘The world’s smallest airlines’ on the right sleeve. On the chest to the left, there is the embroidered ‘Telesyk airlines’ patch. Inserts on the sleeves resemble beetle legs.
AH_94034f9f-699a-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bБджола — то є справжня королева найменшої авіації світу. І ми не могли не зачаруватися дивовижою цієї комахи! По-перше, користуючись нагодою, дякуємо панам і панянкам в жовто-чорних лівреях, які є єдиними у світі комахами, що роблять їжу для людей. По-друге, ми точно знаємо, як воно, безстрашно захищати свій вулик навіть від найстрашніших хижаків, тому з гордістю презентуємо худі про цих хоробрих малюків.
На спині — силует бджоли з волошковим віночком. Має фактурні великі кишені і рукави-крила. Спереду — застібка навскоси та логотип TELESYK AIRLINES. На правому рукаві — нашивка "THE WORLD'S SMALLEST AVIATION".
AH_d6767266-699a-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bBees work in harmony, for the common good, conscientiously and tirelessly, like a well-oiled machine. This happens only when they are led by a smart and talented queen. So put on our hoodie and manage your life so that everything works like a Swiss watch. The embroidered Bee print is placed on the back of the warm women’s hoodie. There is a chevron ‘The world’s smallest airlines’ on the right sleeve. On the left chest, there is the embroidered ‘Telesyk airlines’ patch. Inserts on the sleeves resemble beetle legs.
AH_4c4cac01-be7e-11ed-9baa-ac1f6b742a2bWe have a men’s T-shirt dedicated to our hometown Lviv. We decided to make it minimalistic. On the front, there is only a printed lion, which is the symbol of Lviv, and a small inscription inscription “Маємо крила з 1256 року” (“We have wings since 1256”). Because Lviv has been a city of free ideas from its very foundation. There is a printed logo on the back, and our red “Proudly made in Ukraine” tag in the side seam.