T-shirt dedicated to our charity project “Buy Me a Fighter Jet”. We raised UAH 18,579,410.95, which were used to repair of 10 MiG-29 aircraft. Everyone wants to know how it feels to be a part of historic changes. And right now, you can experience just that.
AH_16293b14-fb05-11ed-9bac-ac1f6b742a2bT-shirt dedicated to our charity project “Buy Me a Fighter Jet”. We raised UAH 18,579,410.95, which were used to repair of 10 MiG-29 aircraft. Everyone wants to know how it feels to be a part of historic changes. And right now, you can experience just that.
AH_7206ac99-f4b3-11ed-9bac-ac1f6b742a2bWe are delighted to finally present you the project we have been working on for four years! These are the first jeans by Aviatsiya Halychyny! This is the first, rather experimental pair, but we have a ton of ideas for the next models. These first men’s jeans are not very ornate, but they have a lot of nice details and little extras, such as reinforcements on the front pockets and a few additional hidden pockets on the back. The jeans are reinforced with rivets in the right places and sword-like embroidery on the back pockets. There are our traditional design features, i.e. a yellow and blue roundel on the pocket and a red ‘Proudly made in Ukraine’ tag on the side belt loop. To be continued!
AH_8d61307b-ed9c-11ed-9bac-ac1f6b742a2bАкула безумовно знаковий хижак. Чує здобич з великої відстані. От і ворожі цілі для наших хоробрих пілотів лише здобич. Тому, можна сказати, що наша авіація — це акули неба. Чують, наздоганяють і знищують ракети та літаки, відправлені противником. Спереду чоловічої футболки ми дали зображення акули у вінтажному стилі з написом Ukrainian sky sharks. На правому рукаві нанесено рондель Повітряних Сил України. На спині під коміром наші фірмові крила.
AH_688905f2-f314-11ed-9bac-ac1f6b742a2bCalls to close the sky over Ukraine echoed around the world like a prayer. And the gods heard this prayer. These gods are our Air Defense Forces. What else can we call these superhumans who repel drone attacks, missile attacks and have even shot down the Kinzhal missile, which used to be considered impossible? We have created this image of air defense gods to pay tribute to their titanic work. There are laurels of our Air Defense Force and the inscription ‘Independence War’ on the left sleeve; and the right sleeve contains the logo of Serhiy Prytula’s Charity Foundation as the T-shirt is dedicated to our joint fundraiser for mobile air defense units. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the T-shirt will be donated to purchase of telescopic masts.
AH_fc10f53d-ed9c-11ed-9bac-ac1f6b742a2bЗазвичай акули в океані, але ці в небі. Наші акули, це військові пілоти, що полюють на ворожі літаки та ракети, що перетинають наш повітряний простір. Образ акул давно використовують на військових літаках. Тому ми зробили принт і напис спереду футболки у вінтажному стилі, в якому його робили аси минулого. Рондель Повітряних Сил України ми розмістили на правому рукаві, а фірмові крила на спині, під коміром.
AH_ae304c51-eb3d-11ed-9bac-ac1f6b742a2bOur emblem, the trident, is not just the symbol of the state. It is also the symbol of freedom, liberty, and dignity of our people. Its meaning did not change and keeps getting even stronger in our national consciousness. Throughout history, it has been modernized in its design, which you can see on the front print of the men’s T-shirt. The left sleeve has inscription ‘independence war’, and there are our branded wings on the back under the collar.
AH_dfc4fd2b-eb3d-11ed-9bac-ac1f6b742a2bThe national emblem of Ukraine is the trident. It has changed its design several times throughout our history, but its meaning as a symbol of strong and free people remained the same. To wear it means honoring out past and highlighting our endurance, independence, and freedom. Print with different historical designs of the national emblem on the background of inscription ‘fight like ukrainians’ is on the front of the women’s t-shirt. The left sleeve has logo of the ‘independence war’ series, and there is our logo on the back under the collar.
AH_2b62b586-e426-11ed-9bab-ac1f6b742a2bWife sent a russian to Ukraine and said, ‘Bring me a foreign wonder – the Washing Machine’. He came, destroyed everything, and started yelling, ‘Give me the Washing Machine’. Ukrainian witches got angry and sent upon the russian the Raptor Helicopter, an iron beast who sleeps when there are no enemies. The beast caught up with the russian, pecked him, and took him to a faraway swamp so that he does no evil. In the end, russian’s wife was left with no husband and no washing machine.The women’s T-shirt has a big print with the fairytale plot on the front; the logo of “independence war” series is on the left sleeve.
AH_c7aef8b1-e425-11ed-9bab-ac1f6b742a2bПрийшов якось москаль-загарбник до нашої файної країни, а тут дивовижні дива і винаходи. Розізлився від заздрощів, все навколо понищив, схопив пралку,як найбільший скарб, і нумо тікати. От тільки не знало дурне, що нашу країну захищають потужні воїни. Гнали москаля велети під три чорти, летіли, гарчали, вогнем плювались. Загнали цього покруча назад в його рідне болото та й відкусили йому голову, щоб більше з нього не вилазив.
Великий принт з цим казковим сюжетом нанесено спереду чоловічої футболки, а на лівому рукаві лого серії “independence war”.
AH_b2adccfe-e35c-11ed-9bab-ac1f6b742a2bOccupation of a part of our territory led to us losing a few hours of sunlight. When our warriors return the territories, they also gift us longer days. Roundel of the Ukrainian Air Force stylized as a sunrise is on the front of the men’s t-shirt. The right sleeve has the print “повернемо своє” (we will return what is ours) with the outline of Ukraine. There are also our branded wings on the back.
AH_f7f6bd5e-e35c-11ed-9bab-ac1f6b742a2bToday every sunrise means hope and a step forward towards our victory. Until our brave warriors keep fighting for Motherland’s freedom, the sun will rise above Ukraine. Until our people rigorously work and help the army, the sunrise of freedom from invaders will get closer and closer. Together towards free Ukraine. Roundel of the Ukrainian Air Force stylized as a sunrise is on the front of the women’s t-shirt. The right sleeve has the print “повернемо своє” (we will return what is ours) with the outline of Ukraine. There are also our brand wings on the back.