AH_7d4adffe-2c69-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bChildren move a lot. They run, jump, and generally like to climb (or get into) something. Just like little bugs :) Therefore, kids' pants should be comfortable and durable to withstand all the whims of the little owners. These are the pants we have now. The waistband has an elastic band and classic welt pockets. The knees are reinforced with thick fabric to better withstand all adventures. The color is the most practical possible – black. And the back has folds that look like bug legs.
AH_5cf09ec8-1b23-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bWe have a new skirt in the “Buntarky”collection. This skirt is the epitome of good taste and courage. It’s loose-fitting and made in a decorative pixel pattern, making is inspirational, exciting and confidence-boosting. It has a somewhat military feel to it. There is a zipper on the front to the right. The left pocket features a print of a pin-up style rebel fast-roping from a helicopter in a pixel uniform. There is also an inscription “Don’t mess with Ukraine”. Because you really shouldn’t. On the right pocket there is a Buntarky print.
AH_d8227fde-ee78-11ec-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bЛюди завжди мріяли літати і вигадували способи піднятися в небо. Нині в нас багацько доступних варіантів. Один із них — це параплан. Його крило дає невимовне відчуття польоту, швидкості, спротиву вітру та сповільнення часу. Наша жіноча майка присвячена саме цьому. В край рукава вшиті шнурівки з котону та паракорда, що імітує стропи параплану. На спині під коміром наші фірмові крила та принт ultra light aviation. Спереду принт у вигляді польоту паропланів і написом borzhava paragliding championship.
AH_2ec357f1-14f2-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bThe ostrich is a stately bird, funny looking, even sometimes clumsy. But its appearance is deceptive. Even though it does not fly, it is so nimble that not every predator can out-speed it. What’s more, it is strong, so don’t mess with it. So, this kids’ set is about an ostrich, and it has ostrich features. Because it is fun to be an ostrich :) The pants have reinforced knee pads, a leg print on the front along the pant legs, and decorative elements imitating paws on the bottom. The hoodie has an asymmetrically placed zipper. There are feather inserts on the sleeves and hood. There is a Telesyk Airlines chevron on the right sleeve and a print with a cheerful ostrich flying the airship on the front. Because it deserves to fly, just like all the birds from the Born to Fly collection.
AH_00c3d270-1cb0-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bWe thought to ourselves: well, how can we make an original thing for lovers of aviation, and not put pockets there, like in cargo?! Well, it's a pure crime against the laws of aviation dress code! That's why we've added huge pockets to our new wide leg pants. It is a pure blast of style and functionality. High fit, comfortable cut and huge hanging pockets. Discreet, stylish, comfortable. It's great for an evening stroll in the city, and for active recreation in nature. The right-side pocket features an explosion print, and the left-side pocket contains a pattern with the inscription ‘Fight like Ukrainians’. The back left pocket has an Aviatsiya Halychyny roundel.
AH_8541d920-1b3d-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bNow, when new heroic epics of our country are being created, one by one, military units are becoming legendary. One of these units is the Khartiia. We dedicated this khaki women’s hoodie to the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. Volunteers from Kharkiv region were united by experienced military personnel and formed a new and modern brigade that is already setting an example of a victorious spirit. The front of the hoodie features the slogan ‘Сила волі’ (‘Willpower’) and the Brigade’s number. On the right sleeve, there is the Ukrainian flag with the inscription ‘Independence War’; on the left sleeve, there is the stylized brigade’s logo. Our logo is located, as usual, under the collar on the back.
AH_99a633e6-1b3d-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bWillpower… This is not only a powerful word but the motto of a contemporary legend. This legend is the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. From the first days of the invasion, this heroic volunteer unit defended Kharkiv region from russian invaders and gained combat glory and experience. Now they are officially the 13th Brigade and they proudly bear the name coined by Serhiy Zhadan – ‘Khartiia’. This men’s khaki hoodie is dedicated to them. On the front, there is the print with number 13 and the motto ‘Сила волі’ (‘Willpower’); on the right sleeve, there is the inscription ‘Independence War’ on the Ukrainian flag, and a stylized brigade’s logo on the left sleeve. Our signature wings matching the colour are printed on the collar under the hood.
AH_261149fc-14f7-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bKiwi is another nice bird that was unlucky enough to be born flightless. We decided to let this little one fly on a parachute and dedicated this children's sweatshirt to t. It's sky-colored, with a patched parachute and a printed kiwi below it. On the back, there are a few words about this bird species, a few printed clouds and the series logo. On the other sleeve, there is the logo of ‘Telesyk Airlines’.
AH_b420012a-1a7a-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bWoo-hoo.... As Pan Roman said: “That is really something, a miracle of miracles!” It goes perfectly with our new women’s shirt from the “Buntarky” collection. And that shirt is soooo rebellious. Bold and with a very distinct cut, making it so much easier to conquer the world in it. Let people keep wondering about what that secret power is. It doesn’t matter what it is. What matters is that it exists, and it is the freedom to be yourself in the most comfortable way. The shirt has large pockets with print on the front, a longer back, and a large pin-up-style print with a young lady in a uniform launching a drone. On the top of the back, there is our logo. See it for yourself, because it’s really hard to describe this shirt with words :)
AH_4cba281f-1731-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bВшановувати історію нашої країни можна і на стилі. Ця чоловіча сорочка розповідає про наш Тризуб. Це не просто символ чи герб. Це справжній оберіг, який пройшов крізь віки, не зник, а лиш трансформувався та перетворився і врешті став тим тризубом, який ми знаємо зараз. Сорочка зі щільної тканини і стильного крою має на спині принт, де видно, як герб України змінювався протягом свого історичного шляху. Спереду ж є косі кишені, а справа на клапані верхньої кишені — значок серії Independence war.
AH_605cf19b-1a4c-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bWhat is the forest about? It is about pristine beauty, mystery and lightness. But by no means is it defenseless. Forest nature is an element, a powerful force that can only appear weak. It is pure magic, which is embodied in Mavka. She is as strong and rebellious as nature herself, and just as mystical and free. That’s what our new dress from the “Buntarky” collection is about. It’s loose-fitting, in forest colors, with grass pattern prints. On the front, it features a tone-on-tone collection logo print and traditionally our tone-on-tone logo on the back at the top.
AH_bedf8b62-1731-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bЦе куртка? Це піджак? Ні, це бомбезна жіноча сорочка, яка розповідає про історію нашого герба — Тризуба. Символ, який пройшов через століття, не зник, не загубився, а увібрав у себе тяглість поколінь українців, які гордо носили його на собі. Вільний сучасний крій, приємна тканина. Вона прекрасно урізноманітнить ваш гардероб. Спереду має косі кишені та пін «Independence war» на клапані на грудях. Принт з історією українського герба на фоні напису fight like ukrainians нанесено на спині. Під коміром — наше лого.