AH_edc9c202-eddb-11ef-9bcc-00155dcd4802Modern warfare is not just about the strength of the human spirit, but also about the power of intellect. Our developers are "mobilizing" robots to the military that deliver ammunition, evacuate the wounded, neutralize enemies, and hold positions.
We created the "Iron Warrior" hoodie so that everyone can contribute to military robotization: 500 UAH from each hoodie sold are directed toward purchasing components for "ShaRys" robotic systems. These systems consist of a turret and mobile platform that can operate separately and as a unified complex.
The "ShaBlia" turret is remotely controlled via a console. It has a camera and features a thermal imaging option for night missions. The turret can be mounted not only on the "Rys" radio-controlled ground platform but also on vehicles, in trenches, or dugouts. The module can be armed with a machine gun, depending on the unit's needs.
The unmanned robotic platform "Rys" (Lynx), which serves as a base for the turret, can be controlled from a distance of over 1,000 meters and carry up to 150 kg of useful payload. The PRO version can transport up to 300 kg of payload, often making it the only chance for rescue during the evacuation of the wounded.
AH_1eaa0e36-eddc-11ef-9bcc-00155dcd4802Modern warfare is not just about the strength of the human spirit, but also about the power of intellect. Our developers are "mobilizing" robots to the military that deliver ammunition, evacuate the wounded, neutralize enemies, and hold positions.
We created the "Iron Warrior" hoodie so that everyone can contribute to military robotization: 500 hryvnias from each hoodie sold are directed toward purchasing components for "ShaRys" robotic systems. These systems consist of a turret and mobile platform that can operate separately and as a unified complex.
The "ShaBlia" turret is remotely controlled via a console. It has a camera and features a thermal imaging option for night missions. The turret can be mounted not only on the "Rys" radio-controlled ground platform but also on vehicles, in trenches, or dugouts. The module can be armed with a machine gun, depending on the unit's needs.
The unmanned robotic platform "Rys" (Lynx), which serves as a base for the turret, can be controlled from a distance of over 1,000 meters and carry up to 150 kg of useful payload. The PRO version can transport up to 300 kg of payload, often making it the only chance for rescue during the evacuation of the wounded.
AH_f45b65e0-e78f-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802Зручні та стильні жіночі штани «Гелікоптер» з надміцної тканини ріп-стоп (50% нейлон, 50% бавовна), аби чутися вільно в будь-яких обставинах. На кишені справа мають принтований рондель та напис Aviatsiya Halychyny. Трохи вище – принт з гелікоптером Mi-24. Штани мають підсилювачі на колінах, нашиті таким чином, аби виточки дозволяти коліну вільно згинатися і не обмежували рухи. Ми зробили тут мінімум (за нашими мірками) кишень – всього 6. Спереду глибокі приховані: їхня особливість у тому, що середина пошита не з бавовни, як зазвичай, а з тканини ріп-стоп, тому про халепи з дірками у кишенях можна забути – тут все надійно. Трохи нижче штани мають дві акцентні та функціональні кишені. Аби зберегти стриманість форм, ми зробили їх не накладними, як у карго, а вшитими у самі штани. Задні кишені ми зробили максимально місткими й глибокими, але заховали їх в шов та додали стримані маленькі липучки, аби не перевантажувати штани деталями, й при цьому зберегти функціональність. Штани мають вільний крій і досить високу посадку, на талії тримають форму завдяки вшитій резинці та додаткових липучках з боків, що дозволяє їм бути однаково зручними і для чоловіків, і для жінок.
AH_6db154b2-ede9-11ef-9bcc-00155dcd4802As the ice cover recedes, plants begin to emerge, snow increasingly takes on a pink hue due to algae, and both water and air grow warmer each year. Global warming is causing such dramatic transformations in nature that it almost seems like palm trees will soon take root on the southernmost continent!
Inspired by these changes, we created a T-shirt to highlight the issue of climate change in our own way and emphasize the crucial work of our polar researchers. The design features a group of Subantarctic penguins making their way to the "Akademik Vernadsky" station, eager to relax in Antarctica’s warming waters—somewhere between a palm tree near the station and our icebreaker, Noosphere—while scientists work tirelessly to find solutions to this pressing problem.
AH_e2c4ab66-ede9-11ef-9bcc-00155dcd4802What’s the big deal about a 3°C rise in temperature? In everyday life, such a change is barely noticeable. But when the average annual temperature in Antarctica increases by 3°C over the past 80 years, the entire world feels the impact.
At the Ukrainian research station "Akademik Vernadsky", our polar scientists work 24/7, studying and raising awareness about the effects of climate change on the environment. One of the station’s most important rules is non-interference in local wildlife, which sometimes leads to surreal sights! Imagine Subantarctic penguins grabbing a surfboard and strolling past the station on their way to the beach, ready to relax under palm trees while admiring the magnificent Ukrainian icebreaker "Noosphere".
While this scene might seem bizarre to some, it wouldn’t surprise our researchers. They’ve witnessed firsthand how global warming is transforming Antarctica—penguin populations near "Vernadsky" are growing, land is emerging from beneath the ice and becoming covered with vegetation. Algae blooms are increasingly turning the snow a striking red hue.
This T-shirt design captures this unexpected yet real phenomenon, highlighting the urgent need for climate action.
AH_ad805bf4-edf6-11ef-9bcc-00155dcd4802This T-shirt is a tribute to the most massive Ukrainian deep strike, born in the heat of full-scale war and already rewriting our history. On the back, a bold print features our vision of the legendary "bird"—a symbol of precision, power, and the ability to deliver concentrated Ukrainian wrath exactly where it belongs.
Wear your fury with purpose: 400 UAH from every T-shirt sold goes directly to funding more of these impactful strikes.
AH_eb1e9073-edf6-11ef-9bcc-00155dcd4802The UKRAINIAN FURY t-shirt is dedicated to those who know how to control rage and make it fight on our side. The back features a print with our interpretation of Ukraine's most massive deep-strike weapon, which has already played a huge role in delivering Ukrainian fury right to the address (If You Know What I Mean).So convert your fury properly: 400 hryvnias from each t-shirt sale will increase the number of such "flights."
Seasoned Plast scouts say that Plast is a Great Game. And that's exactly what our Plast sweatshirt is about. Over 75 years ago, Yuriy Starosolsky laid out the fundamental ideas of Plast in his book "The Great Game." The cover, featuring an eagle, was illustrated by Robert Lisovsky, who also designed the Lufthansa logo and the Plast lily emblem.
On the back, we've placed a stylized eagle with a lily, standing firmly on a rock with the Plast greeting SKOB, which stands for "Strongly! Beautifully! Carefully! Swiftly!" The front features an embroidered quote "And strength was born in hearts" from the song "By the Campfire" by the same Yuriy Starosolsky. Plast scouts sing this song every evening by the campfire, at official events, and even as a lullaby. The sleeve is printed with "Independence war" and a quote from the Plast oath: "I will accept it as a task of the Great Game."
1000 hryvnias from each sweatshirt sale goes to support Plast institution in Lviv.
AH_75963cef-e879-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802We've created a women's sweatshirt that tells the story of an ancient Plast wisdom – to perceive life as the Great Game. This foundational idea was established by Yuriy Starosolsky in his book "The Great Game" over 75 years ago. This edition, featuring an eagle designed by Robert Lisovsky, became Plast's fundamental book. Speaking of Robert Lisovsky, he was a world-renowned graphic artist who created the Lufthansa logo and designed the knight's lily intertwined with the trident – the symbol of Plast.
On the back of our sweatshirt, a stylized eagle stands guard, accompanied by the traditional lily and the inscription SKOB, which stands for "Strongly! Beautifully! Carefully! Swiftly!" The right sleeve features a patch with "Independence war" and a portion of the Plast oath: "I will accept work and failure, all hardships and adversities, as tasks of the great game." Near the heart, we've embroidered the quote "And strength was born in hearts" from the very special Plast song "By the Campfire," written by the same Yuriy Starosolsky. This song is sung every evening by the campfire, at official events, as a lullaby to children, and at the funerals of Plast brothers and sisters.
1000 hryvnias from each sweatshirt sale goes to support Plast institution in Lviv.