AH_6a4ef744-f8a6-11ee-9bc2-00155dcd4802Our new kids’ long sleeve from the Always Explore collection helps not only kids, but also parents and others to explore the strange and little-known animals that have inhabited our planet at different times. The pangolin is a very mysterious animal whose scientific name is Manis, which means ‘spirit’ or ‘ghost’ in Latin. This species has existed for millions of years and is still found in some parts of the world. In nature, it can be up to 88 cm long, so we decided to depict our Pangolin almost in full growth: it is placed on both the front and back of the kids’ long sleeve. To make it more interesting for kids to explore this animal, we added some interesting facts about it to the print. There is the Telesyk Airlines logo on the sleeve and the collection logo on the front.
AH_5fa4f0ba-dd5a-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2bNothing can be more true and sincere than kids’ emotions. However, how to distinguish them is a whole new issue! We have created this kids’ long sleeve with descriptions of emotions in English and illustrations of dragons to make it interesting for kids and adults to learn about the types of emotions, fantastic creatures, and the world’s main language. The back has tiny wings so that kids can feel like a real dragon and then choose whether they are feeling Cheerful or Angry.
AH_5344c549-28b8-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802– HEY! GIVE THAT F-22 THE REAL JOB, shouts our new oversized T-shirt about the most mysterious aircraft in the United States. Americans cherish it like the apple of their eye: the US Congress has banned the sale of both the aircraft and the licence to manufacture them to other countries. So, how can it become a truly combat aircraft? Because as for now, this 5th generation fighter has only destroyed Chinese balloons, if you know what I mean. But in our sky, this stealthy cutie could disappear as if under a cloak of invisibility and do Avada Kedavra to our enemies. Because real heroes wear yellow and blue livery, and only the Ukrainian sky can make them true combat machines.
AH_6c2d5be9-ed0c-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bA part of the proceeds from the sale of each T-shirt goes to the Swarm of Revenge 24/7 fundraising campaign by the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation in cooperation with the !FEST Holding of Emotions and the Uklon taxi service.The goal is to purchase 2,500 daytime and 2,500 night-time FPV drones so that the enemy will not have any peace of mind day or night.
AH_1a271e15-ed16-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bA part of the proceeds from the sale of each T-shirt goes to the Swarm of Revenge 24/7 fundraising campaign by the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation in cooperation with the !FEST Holding of Emotions and the Uklon taxi service.The goal is to purchase 2,500 daytime and 2,500 night-time FPV drones so that the enemy will not have any peace of mind day or night.
AH_a2e20cbc-e535-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bМи створили цей чоловічий світшот, надихаючись могутністю духу й тіла людей, які втратили кінцівки, але натомість розправили крила.Одне з крил на плечах нашого реглана — механічне, що є символом сили Superhumans-ів, які не просто знайшли в собі силу розправити крила, а й допомагають окриляти інших. Звідти й констатація факту, яку ми розмістили спереду — «Велика сила мати крила».400 гривень з продажу кожної футболки ми надсилаємо на підтримку діяльності Superhumans Center, який замається протезуванням та реабілітацією постраждалих від війни. Долучайтесь.
AH_4c8dba2b-e536-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bЖіночий світшот Superhumans — це річ, яку ми створювали не просто для підтримки діяльності центру реабілітації, а як фізичний маніфест нашої віри в те, що кожен із Superhumans-ів має крила. Бо коли ви бачите людину з протезом, будьте певні, що десь за спиною там точно є крила.Співпраця з Superhumans дала нам чітке розуміння, що ця історія про кожного з нас: у той час, коли люди з протезами заново вчаться ходити чи рухати руками, ми маємо заново подивитися на свій світ, і зробити усе можливе, аби він став безбар'єрним і фізично, і емоційно.400 гривень з продажу кожної футболки ми надсилаємо на підтримку діяльності Superhumans Center, який замається протезуванням та реабілітацією постраждалих від війни.Like this comment
AH_d480031e-e131-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bYou need to have a lot of strength inside you to spread your wings and soar above the despair, pain, loss, and all the disasters and tragedies that the war has brought. And it’s not just about people with disabilities; it’s about each of us. We have created this men’s T-shirt to support the Superhumans Centre, which is engaged in prosthetics and rehabilitation of soldiers (and others) who have lost their limbs. The mechanical wings on the back symbolize the strength of spirit and recovery that Superhumans inspire and empower others with.
We transfer 400 hryvnias from the sale of each T-shirt to support the activities of the Centre. Let’s make our hearts, minds and cities barrier-free together.