AH_54f437e7-b12f-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bMost adults are still children deep in their hearts. That's why we decided to make our kids' pants ‘Bugs’ in adult sizes. In addition to the children's vibe, they are very practical, because clothes for children should be made like clothes for rock climbers – durable and comfortable. Pleasant fabric, black color, loose fit, elastic waistband, reinforced inserts on the knees and folds at the back bottom that make the pants look a bit like bug legs. Perfect for wearing every day.
AH_8270f031-b12f-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bMost adults are still children deep in their hearts. That's why we decided to make our kids' pants ‘Bugs’ in adult sizes. In addition to the children's vibe, they are very practical, because clothes for children should be made like clothes for rock climbers – durable and comfortable. Pleasant fabric, black color, loose fit, elastic waistband, reinforced inserts on the knees and folds at the back bottom that make the pants look a bit like bug legs. Perfect for wearing every day.
AH_deb9af36-b12b-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bThe world tried to capture Hryhorii Skovoroda, but did not succeed. At the same time we
captured effect of illusory truth.
“We will win only when we realize that we have to kill for Ukraine, not die”. This inscription
adorns our new polo shirt dedicated to Hryhorii Skovoroda, which not only tells about the life
path of the remarkable philosopher, but also points out the effect of illusory truth – people’s
tendency to trust the information they heard or saw many times, especially if it resonates
with the condition and circumstances they find themselves in.
Psychologists discovered this effect about 50 years ago, and we did it now. The full-scale
war showed that our consciousness has troubles with distinguishing illusory truth from
reality, since what we believe in is what resonates with us.
Historians believe that this phrase was never said by Hryhorii Skovoroda, but there is no
proof of that.Given Skovoroda’s life attitudes in his time, we acknowledge that he might have never said
that. But who know if he would have been a pacifist in today’s Ukrainian reality….
AH_58a59518-ae16-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bЦя футболка однаково файно пасувала би Шухевичу, Бандері, Любомиру Гузару і Квітці Цісик! Бо Пласт всю свою історію об'єднував людей, що жили любов'ю до рідної землі і мали жагу робити її кращою. А хто ми такі, аби не ділити такі цінності? Саме тому ми запустили безстроковий проєкт на інституційну підтримку Пласту у Львові, який береже і плекає українські цінності з 1912 року. 400 гривень з кожної футболки ми відправляємо на ініціативу. Долучайтесь, разом легше тримати стрій!На спині – наша інтерпретація легендарного пластівського «Сильно! Красно! Обережно! Бистро!» Спереду – традиційний логотип організації.
AH_0feec757-ae16-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bOur new women’s T-shirt ‘Plast’ is not only about the values we share with the organisation, but also about the importance of realising that what we have to protect and cherish what’s ours. That is why a part of the profit from each T-shirt will go to the support of Plast in Lviv city from where it originates. On the back, we depicted the classic Plast motto: ‘Сильно! Красно! Обережно! Бистро!’(‘Sylno, Krasno, Oberezhno, Bystro’). The organisation’s logo is placed on the front.
AH_364123c4-a578-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bDo you remember how long and busy your childhood days were? So much sun, warmth and adventure. Now the occupiers have stolen not only childhood from Ukrainian children, but also the opportunity to enjoy the sunrise earlier. We have created this kids’ long-sleeve as a reminder that we will definitely get ours back. The sun will rise earlier over Ukraine again. On the right sleeve, there is a print ‘повернемо своє’ (‘We will retake ours’) with the outline of the map of Ukraine. On the left sleeve, there is a flag and our Independence War logo.
AH_3d185cfd-a572-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bEach of our sky heroes could be the subject of a hero of Top Gun movie, but Hollywood would definitely run out of Tom Cruises. Just imagine that sometimes these superheroes park their fighter jet, take off their helmet, change their clothes and go out for coffee right beside you. And we don’t always know them by sight to get their autographs. So we thought it would be nice to let them know how much we appreciate their work. This kids’ long-sleeve speaks for itself better than any words.
AH_7f167a41-9d99-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bNowa koszulka dziecięca z hasłem Fight like Ukrainians, które kierujemy do tak długo wyczekiwanego F-16. Bo tylko na Ukrainie ten samolot może stać się naprawdę bojowy. Zmieniaj ubranie, sokole, superbohaterowie noszą żółto-niebieskie barwy!
Z przodu jest duży nadruk z F-16 i hasłem Fight like Ukrainians oraz napisem It’s always better with yellow blue.