AH_61025da3-e132-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bIt is a great strength to have wings. We created this women’s T-shirt thinking about those who have found this strength in themselves. A part of the proceeds from the sale of each T-shirt goes to support the activities of the Superhumans Centre, which is engaged in prosthetics and rehabilitation of soldiers (and others) who have lost their limbs.
Superhumans have not just found the strength to spread their wings but also they inspire others to spread theirs. Even if those wings are mechanical.
AH_1300d10d-dd36-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2bЄ в «Авіації Галичини» такий закон: як тільки ми випускаємо одяг про щось дуже потрібне, це «щось» незабаром з'являється в Україні. Перевірено з NLAW, HIMARS, F-16 та ще купою всього цікавого і корисного. Так от, нині ми презентуємо куртку, натхнену львівським аеропортом! Ні на що не натякаємо, ви, певне, самі здогадуєтесь. А тепер трохи про саму куртку. Візуальна стриманість, фактура цупкої тканини та строгий крій роблять її ідеальною як для ділового панства (під сорочку), так і для тих, хто накидає куртку на оверсайз футболку. На грудях зліва має принтованого лева, координати та радіочастоту летовища. На кишенях, плечах та ліктях – підсилювачі, а низ регулюється застібками на кнопках.
AH_17174324-dc5b-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2bWith this set, you can instantly become a rebel girl doubly as both items, both separately and together, speak for themselves. The vest and the bomber jacket have special buttons that can be used to fasten them together – and this is three (!) ready-made rebellious looks for you.
Our new elongated women’s bomber jacket has elastic bands on the collar, sleeves and bottom. There is a pocket for glasses on the sleeve and two more very spacious pockets on the front. On the back, there is a printed inscription ‘Secret power’ and our winged logo.And our vest is a pure rebellious spirit even in its cut! It has fastexes made of pure brass, voluminous pockets, and original cutouts on the shoulders. On the back, there is a print with a crew of armed rebel girls wearing pixel.
AH_ac153ce4-dbc7-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2bНіяк не визначитесь, чи ви нині елегантна панянка, чи шалена бунтарка? Ми створили цю сукню-поло саме для таких випадків! Вона має вишуканий оригінальний крій, що ідеально підкреслює жіночу талію, але її сенси та тематика – по-справжньому бунтарські, бо то є наша перша сукня-поло про F-16!Cукня-поло кольору хакі з чорними вставками має невеликі розпірки та провітрювачі, що ідеально підходять для спекотного літа. Але її можна припасувати і до файного бомбера, аби літати у справах і в ранню осінь, і в пізню весну.Ліворуч на грудях – вишиваний логотип Авіації Галичини. Справа – обриси літака на фоні жовто-блакитного ронделя з красномовним написом: Heroes wear yellow blue та вишитим під ним Since 2022. Під комірцем заховали друковане Ukrainian Air Force. На спині – принтований напис F-16 Fighting Falcon.
AH_a08903aa-d7e2-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2bYou know that now Ukraine has the world’s largest and most efficient fleet of maritime drones, right? Or that civilians all over Ukraine are building FPV drones just in their homes – from apartments in Odesa to huts in the Carpathian meadows?
Our men’s T-shirt with a symbolic dragon is about this joint force that burns and drowns the enemy. And it doesn’t matter if the intruders walk, ride or swim – they will be definitely destroyed.
AH_ca607849-d7e2-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2b‘Let it drown or burn,’ mutters a hutsul from the meadow, who is putting together an FPV drone in his house.
Our women’s T-shirt with a symbolic dragon is about this joint force that burns and drowns the enemy. And it doesn’t matter if the intruders walk, ride or swim – they will be definitely destroyed.
You can’t possibly imagine how much those ruzzians have pissed off Ukrainians! Not only do people in every house now know what an FPV drone is, but almost everyone knows how to actually build one! And this ‘LET IT DROWN OR BURN’ from our new women’s T-shirt is not just a catchphrase, but a very specific plan. After all, Ukrainians don’t care whether the enemy is walking on our land or sailing in our sea - everything will burn and sink!
AH_4ac8d8e3-d7bd-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2bRipstop is a kind of Hulk in the fabric universe. This material is created by a specific interweaving of threads of various chemical compounds, which makes it dense, textured and extremely durable. That's why we decided to create our PRO shirt from this material – you can climb mountains, make a public appearance, or wear armour on top of it as it’s also used for military uniforms.
On the chest, there are two spacious pockets with a velcro tape over one of them and an expressive embroidered UA. There are button loops on the sleeves to fix the sleeves rolled up.
AH_6a06132d-d7bd-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2bOur first PRO shirt for women – perfect both for outdoor activities and the office. The ripstop fabric is reinforced with strong threads, and thanks to a special weave, it doesn’t tear and almost does not wrinkle at all.
The shirt has two spacious pockets on the chest. Above one of the pockets, we placed a velcro panel for patches, and an embroidered UA a little lower. There are button loops on the sleeves to fix the sleeves.
AH_bb382143-d6fa-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bJust like our pink flamingos, F-35, F-22 and F-18 are quite rare, valuable and, to say the least, extremely beautiful! We have the pink birds, but their iron friends are still only in our dreams. And we came up with this idea: if the F-35, F-22 and F-18 cannot protect our sky, then let them protect our pink flamingos! How it works: you buy a T-shirt with these overseas airplanes, and we give part of funds from the sale to purchase a mobile security station for Tuzly Estuaries Park where our flamingos settle. Its border is 150 km, and the guards need for a mobile trailer station where they can be on duty for several days to protect wild nature from poachers. Do some good and look cute!
We have specially designed this women’s coat so that the wide sleeves, large collar and fantastic oversized cut give you a feeling of freedom and weightlessness: just perfect for those who choose the side of light!
The pockets have such a cool cut that they resemble origami: when closed, they fold into something similar to a paper airplane, and as soon as you put the hands in them, they turn into a balloon!
On the right and left are wide spacers that can be adjusted with a rubber drawstring and a puller: everything is for free people, fix it the way you want! There’s also a zipper that can be unzipped both from the top and bottom.
On the back, we placed the ‘Join the Light Side’ print in a yellow and blue roundel matching perfectly with the raglan cut. There is a scattering of FPV drones on the left sleeve and the INDEPENDENCE WAR collection logo on the right.
AH_11e56860-d6fb-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bIt is not a big deal that F-35, F-22 and F-18 are not in the cards for us within Lend-Lease – if they cannot protect our sky, then let them protect our flamingos! Each year these birds come to Tuzly Estuaries National Nature Park, the border of which is 150 km, where local guards have hard time protecting all this beauty from poachers. That is why we decided to help them raise funds for a mobile trailer station where they can be on duty for several days. This is how American iron birds will defend our pink-winged friends: part of funds from sale of each Flamingo T-shirt will be transferred to purchase a mobile security station for park’s guards.
AH_5adfa407-b6c9-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bThe American AH-64 Apache would be a perfect match for any of the Ukrainian Army Aviation Brigades whose emblems we placed on the print next to this helicopter. So welcome to Ukraine, little Apache bird! It is time for you to become a real fighting machine. On the right sleeve, there is a print with AH-64 Apache, and on the left one – a printed INDEPENDENCE WAR logo.