AH_ca607849-d7e2-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2b‘Let it drown or burn,’ mutters a hutsul from the meadow, who is putting together an FPV drone in his house.
Our women’s T-shirt with a symbolic dragon is about this joint force that burns and drowns the enemy. And it doesn’t matter if the intruders walk, ride or swim – they will be definitely destroyed.
You can’t possibly imagine how much those ruzzians have pissed off Ukrainians! Not only do people in every house now know what an FPV drone is, but almost everyone knows how to actually build one! And this ‘LET IT DROWN OR BURN’ from our new women’s T-shirt is not just a catchphrase, but a very specific plan. After all, Ukrainians don’t care whether the enemy is walking on our land or sailing in our sea - everything will burn and sink!
AH_a08903aa-d7e2-11ee-9bb3-ac1f6b742a2bYou know that now Ukraine has the world’s largest and most efficient fleet of maritime drones, right? Or that civilians all over Ukraine are building FPV drones just in their homes – from apartments in Odesa to huts in the Carpathian meadows?
Our men’s T-shirt with a symbolic dragon is about this joint force that burns and drowns the enemy. And it doesn’t matter if the intruders walk, ride or swim – they will be definitely destroyed.
AH_033919d1-d497-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bЖіночий світшот Ultra Light Aviation, в якому варто лише розправити руки — і ти вже летиш! Та й поздовжні шви на світшоті також нагадують конструкцію параплану, в якому чується троха вільніше. Вгорі на спині наше лого. Є широкі манжети знизу та на рукавах. Спереду на грудях принт мапи рельєфу Карпат: там, де Боржава. Бо ж саме на Боржаві проходять змагання з парапланеризму. Власне, про це і підпис на світшоті вище — Borzhava Paragliding Championship. Над рельєфом — вишивані кольорові крила парапланів. Також з цікавого, то на верхній стороні рукавів є підписи рук — права і ліва. Хто літав, той знає, що якщо ти новачок, то сплутати руки в повітрі дуже легко. Власне, той світшот — така собі нагадайка.
AH_7a353cc3-47f6-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bWe have special sentiments for vests. We love to make and wear them. And here's another men's sleeveless jacket, this time dedicated to the Ukrainian Army Aviation. It is dark blue, with a spacious hood. There are two large patch pockets on the front and a central zipper. On the chest, there is an imprinted roundel, the inscription ‘Ukrainian Army Aviation’ and our embroidered logo. On the back, there is a large stitched (and therefore slightly bulky) trident over an imprinted helicopter. There are also hidden zipped pockets on both sides on the inside. The hood has built-in elastic bands with drawstrings.
AH_9f492a86-47f6-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bOne more version of a warm women's vest. This time it is dedicated to our Army Aviation. It is dark denim in color and very functional. It has two large patch pockets on the front and two more hidden zipped pockets on the inside. It is fastened on the front with a central zipper and has a voluminous warm hood with drawstrings. As for the decoration, the stitched (and therefore voluminous) trident occupying the entire back is the most expressive element, as well as the helicopter printed underneath. On the chest, there is a roundel, our embroidered logo and the inscription ‘Ukrainian Army Aviation’.
AH_120cfe51-384e-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bGood morning, Crimea! This is what a soldier will say the day he rides the wave washing away the last occupiers from the shores of our peninsula. And after that, everyone visiting this picturesque land will say it, too. The front of the women’s T-shirt features a print depicting a Ukrainian soldier surfing against the backdrop of the Crimean Bridge with the inscription ‘Good morning, Crimea’. On the left sleeve, there is the logo ‘Independence War’, and on the back – our signature wings.
AH_f3d5f994-384d-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bWe created this T-shirt with faith in our victory and the return of the Crimean peninsula back home. In a scene longed for by all Ukrainians, a Ukrainian soldier flies in waves against the backdrop of explosions, and the caption to it is ‘Good morning Crimea!’ The print is on the front of the men’s T-shirt. On the left sleeve, there is the logo ‘Independence War’. The Aviatsiya Halychyny logo is placed on the back under the collar.
AH_ef036fd9-3833-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bThe sea is a romantic and nice place, a favourite site for vacation. We have such a sea, even two seas, they are ours, and we will snatch them out of the enemy’s clutches. We dedicated a women’s T-shirt to this occasion. It features the navy, aviation, and even sharks fighting for our maritime territories.On the left sleeve, there is the logo of the range – ‘Independence War’; on the back top, there is the Aviatsiya Halychyny logo.
AH_2d99b798-3834-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bHelicopters are flying, ships, drones, and even sharks are sailing to take back our sea. Everyone and everything is on our side in this fight for Ukrainian territory. So, after the victory, we will once again bask in the sun on the shores of our familiar and dear sea. The front of the men’s T-shirt features a print with military equipment at dawn and the words ‘То моє море’ (‘That’s my Sea’) and ‘Повернемо своє’ (‘We'll Get Ours Back’) below it. On the left sleeve is the ‘Independence War’ logo. On the back under the collar, there are our signature wings.
AH_a3a5a4bb-1411-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bThis women’s T-shirt from our Super Birds collection showcases the Woodpecker as a bird making its way to success. Its beak is as solid as your character. It is remarkably stubborn, so no obstacles can ever stop it.
This oversized T-shirt is made of pleasant fabric and has a large comic print with a woodpecker on the front. At the bottom on the back, there is a print with the abilities of a bird. The sleeve features the Telesyk Airlines chevron and the traditional Aviatsiya Halychyny logo under the collar on the back.
AH_4677de17-1411-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bThe Super Birds T-shirt collection is dedicated to the team of incredible winged creatures with extraordinary abilities. It’s a men’s oversized T-shirt featuring a Woodpecker. This bird is very determined and strong-minded. There is no hiding from it. Its strong beak and endurance help it reach any hidden target with ease. The woodpecker can beat trees up to 25 times per second, and a total of 6,000-12,000 times a day.
On the front, the t-shirt features a large comic-page print with a woodpecker as a hero. At the bottom on the back, there is a description of the woodpecker’s abilities. On the sleeve, there is the Telesyk Airlines chevron with the traditional Aviatsiya Halychyny logo at the top on the back.
AH_5570a8b7-1416-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bYou are a vibrant woman who can keep up with everything, flexible in all areas of activity and having a fascinating presence, even if not immediately noticed? Our Hummingbird heroine from the bird collection is about you. Float lightly like a feather and score victories in this super comfy T-shirt.
A large comic print with a hummingbird on the front. A print with a description of its abilities at the bottom on the back. The Telesyk Airlines patch on the sleeve. The Aviatsiya Halychyny logo under the collar on the back.