AH_b5c96d6f-6730-11e9-a220-0cc47a40fa97This T-shirt will be comfortable during outdoor activities. The natural composition of the fabric ensures a comfortable wearing.
There is an imprinted picture on the T-shirt – the MiG-29 aircraft. This is the fighter on which the 114th Brigade and numerous other European military units are flying. Its NATO reporting name is Fulcrum.
There is a special military marking of the Ukrainian Air Force, i.e. a roundel, on the sleeve. It is applied on the wings, fuselage or keel to identify the aircraft’s country of origin.
There is a logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.See more men's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_de516358-6684-11e9-a21f-0cc47a40fa97When we created this warm and comfortable women’s sweatshirt, we tried to reflect the mood and strength of our pilots.
On the back there is vibrant inscription: the motto in our interpretation of the slogan “Вогонь запеклих не пече” (“The fire does not burn the Fiery”). On the right sleeve there is a designer’s embodiment of ideas on how the chevron of the 12th Brigade should look like (with helicopters and a dragon). There is an embroidered patch “UA” on the left shoulder.
For convenience and comfort the collar is designed in the form of a snood with fasteners and with drawstrings to make it even warmer and more convenient when necessary.See more sweatshirts for women in the catalog
AH_ff51efc8-6684-11e9-a21f-0cc47a40fa97Women’s sweatshirt “Sikorsky” is a part of the collection in honor of the Ukrainian creator of the first helicopters. The logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny is embroidered on the front side. A high collar with two buttons on the front and a drawstring will protect your neck from the cold wind. There are two pockets for your hands not to freeze. On the left sleeve there are 2 chevrons with the national flags of Ukraine and the USA. Interestingly, the American flag is sewn being mirror reflected. According to a military tradition, the stars on the flag should be to the fore. Two cities are indicated under the chevrons: Kyiv and Long Island. Kyiv is represented as the city where Sikorsky created his first helicopter. Long Island is the place where his first plant was located. On the right sleeve “UA” is embroidered. Now no one will doubt where this sweatshirt came from. On the back there is a massive inscription with the surname of the engineer SikorSKY and below it there are models of helicopters produced by Sikorsky and his team “Sikorsky Aircraft”.See more sweatshirts for women in the catalog
AH_7c943ec8-650a-11e9-a21e-0cc47a40fa97Bees are quite romantic and peaceful insects associated with flowers, but they can sting pretty hard. And if they gather together, you have only yourself to blame! The same with our army – they can float like a butterfly but when they sting you better face the consequences. The women’s T-shirt is all about this. A stylized bee, ready to sting anytime, is just the visual support of the motto “Пурхай мов метелик, вжаль як бджола” (“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”).See more women's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_184c59f5-650b-11e9-a21e-0cc47a40fa97A nice and practical women’s T-shirt. It is considered practical not only because it is made of a firm and smooth fabric but also that one can use it to study what the sheep pastured by the space shepherds on the Martian Yabko meadow look like. As well as the history of Hutsul Space Program. See more women's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_eff2c66e-650b-11e9-a21e-0cc47a40fa97Women’s T-shirt with the feather in the cap of Hutsul Space Program – the spaceship “Kosiv” with shepherd's axe shaped nozzle typical for Kosiv spaceships constructors.
On top of the back there is an imprinted logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny.See more women's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_6d32d322-650d-11e9-a21e-0cc47a40fa97Women’s T-shirt “Falcon”
Comfortable and stylish T-shirt that will complement youer look.
A falcon flies extremely fast. It is also called “a village tax office” as it usually steals hens from yards.See more women's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_76a995d6-8a92-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Comfortable men’s T-shirt that shows the flight of the flagship of the Hutsul space fleet, i.e. the spaceship “Kosiv”, over the precious Earth to, by now, the near and dear Mars. On the print, the shepherd's axe shaped nozzle typical for Hutsul space industry and the Kosiv constructors are clearly visible. On the back our logo is imprinted in the same spirit.See more men's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_21855df1-8a91-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Helicopters are like big bees: kind until they are not bothered, but they can also sting if someone trenches upon their hives. ;-) Cross-functional men’s T-shirt with original prints.
There is a large print with a bee-helicopter having a combat kit and a sharp sting on the chest; there is also the inscription “Пурхай мов метелик, вжаль як бджола” (“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”). For sure, there is also the inscription “The 16th Separate Air Force Brigade”.
There is an imprinted logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.See more men's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_83dfadaa-8a91-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Space themed men’s T-shirt. Smooth and long-lasting, even for space. Tells about the features of space sheep farming. Here you can see a specially bred space subtype of Carpathian sheep for Martian meadows. The only trouble is that sometimes the sheep fly out of the pastures. ;-) On the top of the back there is an imprinted logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny. Under the left arm there is some information about the space program in general.See more men's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_545b7b46-8a95-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97When you want to be elegant and militant at the same time, you need to wear the sweatshirt of the 12th Brigade.
It is comfortable and stylish at the same time. Instead of the usual collar there is a snood with fasteners and with black drawstrings. There are two comfortable pockets on the belly.
There is alarge print with an inscription “Вогонь запеклих не пече” (“The fire does not burn the Fiery”) on the back. There are two chevrons on the right sleeve: variations on the theme of military aviation and UGA. There is an embroidered patch “UA” on the left sleeve. See more sweatshirts for men in the catalog
AH_5b65cb5d-8a95-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Чоловічий світшот “Сікорський” на честь українського інженера, який змайстрував перший вертоліт.Для холодної пори в цій колекції створили світшот. Спереду вишитий логотип Авіації Галичини. Є дві кишені, щоб сховати там якісь дрібнички або руки від холоду. Шию від вітру захищатиме високий комір із двома защіпками спереду та шнурком, аби можна було зручно відрегулювати розмір. На спині надруковано SikorSKY, а під написом красуються вертольоти виробництва “Sikorsky Aircraft”.
На лівому рукаві два шеврони – прапори України та США. Цікаве про прапор Америки – у військових є традиція, що зорі на ньому мають бути завжди попереду. Саме тому державна символіка на світшоті вишита в дзеркальному відображенні.
На правому рукаві вишитий символ української приналежності “UA”.Інші чоловічі світшоти можна переглянути в каталозі.