AH_84a1689d-1416-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bThe Super Birds T-shirt collection is dedicated to the team of incredible winged creatures with extraordinary abilities. You need intelligence, reconnaissance, stealth surveillance? Call the Hummingbird! This tiny beauty knows how to be almost invisible and inaudible. It can move in any direction and hang in the air like a drone, even upside down, covers a distance of up to 1000 km per day, and is almost the size of an insect.
The front of this men’s T-shirt features the Hummingbird in its heroic comic-style look, with some facts about its abilities on the back. On the sleeve, there is the Telesyk Airlines patch, and at the top on the back there is the traditional Aviatsiya Halychyny logo.
AH_d5cc8bd9-1419-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bYou need this T-shirt because your accomplishments are as majestic as the wingspan of a Condor. You keep everything in sight, like this mighty bird from the height of its flight. Like it, you also have enough inspiration to cover any distance to attain your goal.
On the front of this gorgeous women’s T-shirt, there is the Super Condor. A description of the bird’s abilities is placed at the bottom on the back. On the sleeve, there is the Telesyk Airlines chevron print. And the Aviatsiya Halychyny logo is placed under the collar on the back.
AH_efc58c22-1419-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bThe Super Birds T-shirt collection is dedicated to the team of incredible winged creatures with extraordinary abilities. Covering a long distance at an incredible height is not a problem if you are a Condor. This mighty giant, which is the largest bird known, can fly at an altitude of up to 7 km and cover a distance of up to 200 km per day. Unreachable on the ground and with amazing eyesight that helps it notice threats momentarily, the Condor can deliver any precious cargo intact.
On the front of this men’s t-shirt, there is a Condor as a comic hero. At the bottom on the back, there is a description of its abilities. On the sleeve, there is the Telesyk Airlines patch, and at the top on the back there is the traditional Aviatsiya Halychyny logo.
AH_dce9b2f2-1420-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bThe Super Birds T-shirt collection is dedicated to the team of incredible winged creatures with extraordinary abilities. Don’t let the fluffy and adorable look of the Owl deceive you because in fact it is a cold-blooded expert killer. Sharp night vision, powerful hearing and the ability to turn its head 270 degrees make it impossible to catch the Owl by surprise. This nocturnal bird is able to precisely calculate the weight of its target, as well as the distance and height, and stealthily attack it so it can’t escape. If you are an Owl’s target, just accept the inevitable.
On the front of the men’s T-shirt, the Owl is shown as a golden-age comic book superhero. There are a couple of facts about its abilities on the back. On the sleeve, there is the Telesyk Airlines patch, and at the top on the back there is the traditional Aviatsiya Halychyny logo.
AH_6487b2cb-1420-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bSome people are productive during the daytime, and you are focused and wakeful at night. Nothing will escape your keen eyesight, nothing will escape your grippy claws. Just like the Super Owl, from our Super Birds collection.
Its large, comic-style image is printed on the front of the women’s oversized T-shirt. A description of its abilities is presented at the bottom on the back. On the sleeve, there is the Telesyk Airlines chevron. And the Aviatsiya Halychyny logo is placed under the collar on the back.
AH_6303a497-05f9-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bAmong those who repel the occupiers in the south of our country, there is a legendary unit — 11th Separate Army Aviation Brigade. They used to be based in Chornobayivka and have had the honorary name “Kherson” since 2019. During the war, they perform combat, reconnaissance and evacuation tasks at the frontline. This men’s shirt is about them. In front, there is a print with the MI-24 helicopter, which is in service with the brigade. On the right sleeve, there is a rondel of the Air Force of Ukraine; and on the back at the top, our logo is printed tone-on-tone.
AH_35c314fe-05f9-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bThe first thing that catches the eye in the front print on this women’s T-shirt is our MI-24 helicopter. This is a helicopter model used by 11th separate army aviation brigade. These men defend our south; before the great war they were based in the now legendary Chornobayivka and have the honorary name “Kherson”. Now, thanks to their extensive experience, they successfully perform tasks against the russkie invaders. Fresh green T-shirt. On the right sleeve, there is a rondel of the Air Force of Ukraine. Our tone-on-tone printed logo is, as usual, at the top on the back.
AH_8d61307b-ed9c-11ed-9bac-ac1f6b742a2bАкула безумовно знаковий хижак. Чує здобич з великої відстані. От і ворожі цілі для наших хоробрих пілотів лише здобич. Тому, можна сказати, що наша авіація — це акули неба. Чують, наздоганяють і знищують ракети та літаки, відправлені противником. Спереду чоловічої футболки ми дали зображення акули у вінтажному стилі з написом Ukrainian sky sharks. На правому рукаві нанесено рондель Повітряних Сил України. На спині під коміром наші фірмові крила.
AH_fc10f53d-ed9c-11ed-9bac-ac1f6b742a2bЗазвичай акули в океані, але ці в небі. Наші акули, це військові пілоти, що полюють на ворожі літаки та ракети, що перетинають наш повітряний простір. Образ акул давно використовують на військових літаках. Тому ми зробили принт і напис спереду футболки у вінтажному стилі, в якому його робили аси минулого. Рондель Повітряних Сил України ми розмістили на правому рукаві, а фірмові крила на спині, під коміром.
AH_c7aef8b1-e425-11ed-9bab-ac1f6b742a2bПрийшов якось москаль-загарбник до нашої файної країни, а тут дивовижні дива і винаходи. Розізлився від заздрощів, все навколо понищив, схопив пралку,як найбільший скарб, і нумо тікати. От тільки не знало дурне, що нашу країну захищають потужні воїни. Гнали москаля велети під три чорти, летіли, гарчали, вогнем плювались. Загнали цього покруча назад в його рідне болото та й відкусили йому голову, щоб більше з нього не вилазив.
Великий принт з цим казковим сюжетом нанесено спереду чоловічої футболки, а на лівому рукаві лого серії “independence war”.
AH_2b62b586-e426-11ed-9bab-ac1f6b742a2bWife sent a russian to Ukraine and said, ‘Bring me a foreign wonder – the Washing Machine’. He came, destroyed everything, and started yelling, ‘Give me the Washing Machine’. Ukrainian witches got angry and sent upon the russian the Raptor Helicopter, an iron beast who sleeps when there are no enemies. The beast caught up with the russian, pecked him, and took him to a faraway swamp so that he does no evil. In the end, russian’s wife was left with no husband and no washing machine.The women’s T-shirt has a big print with the fairytale plot on the front; the logo of “independence war” series is on the left sleeve.
AH_6841e52d-454b-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bDark green men's t-shirt dedicated to the Control Center for Search and Rescue Aviation Support of the AFU, the guys who save our pilots in case of unforeseen circumstances. The large front print depicts an MI-8 helicopter, is our interpretation of the Сenter's slogan "For Life" and the motto "Search and rescue" and the year of establishment. And also ARGO, an amphibious vehicle that we donated to the Center thanks to all of you buying our t-shirts. We hope it will make the rescue of our pilots a little easier. On the left sleeve, there’s a printed name of the Center and its nomenclature number, on the right, there is a roundel in the colors of the flag and the inscription Ukrainian Air Force.