AH_0e057322-b228-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802Ми не втомлюємось надихатися винахідливістю українців, які змінюють правила війни та майбутнє військових технологій, тож створили світшот для тих, хто розуміє важливість технологій. FPV-дрони стали справжньою революцією на полі бою. Вони коригують артилерію, доставляють спорядження, евакуюють поранених, а головне – знищують ворога там, де інша зброя безпорадна. Маленькі «пташки» топлять ворожі катери, пробиваються крізь ешелони ППО і залишають російських загарбників без жодного шансу. Світшот FPV має оригінальний крій із рукавами-регланами та «подертий» низ і горловину для повного занурення в загальний настрій. Спереду ми розмістили великий принт з FPV-дронами на плащовій тканині – масивне і акцентоване нагадування, що українці не просто користуються технологіями, вони їх створюють та змінюють хід історії.
AH_b312c056-b225-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802When facing a giant that vastly outmatches you in size, fighting smart isn't just an option - it's a necessity. And when that giant has deep pockets but lacks wit, you need to be more than just smart - you need to be ingeniously crafty.
Since February 2022, Ukrainian FPV drone pilots, developers, and volunteers have been proving day by day that giants can be defeated. Over three years of full-scale war, Ukrainians have become world champions in innovating, implementing, mastering, and scaling new technologies. Today, you'd be hard-pressed to find a Ukrainian military unit that doesn't employ FPV drones - they've become existential in a war with such force disparity.
In creating drone-themed apparel, we pay tribute to those who are turning rigid warfare doctrines upside down while protecting what matters most on the battlefield - human lives.
The sweatshirt features a bold front print with FPV goggles and the text "Death from above," while the sleeve proudly displays "Independence war."
AH_135eb3cb-b224-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802Just as our military technology evolves at lightning speed, FPV drones in the hands of our operators become more effective, sophisticated, and precise with each passing day. We're keeping pace with this evolution by updating our collection that celebrates these lethal birds.
We've created a sleek, minimalist long sleeve featuring FPV goggles, a swarm of drones, and the text "Death from above" - a stylish reminder of how crucial unmanned aircraft are on the battlefield. Wearing this piece, you'll carry a powerful message that supports our defenders and serves as a reminder to donate to FPV initiatives.
AH_81a2e9f1-b223-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802The legendary I see you baby by Groove Armada in an aerial reconnaissance style – now on sweatshirts! We have created a warm and comfortable women’s I SEE YOU sweatshirt about our FPV drone operators. It is a brutal and stylish reminder of those who arrange hellish raves in the trenches of russian shitheads, which literally blow one’s mind. Get dressed, get warm, get inspired!
AH_2fdb9839-b222-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802Everyone loved that FPV-eyes print so much that in the first weeks after its release, the T-shirt with it became a bestseller! So we decided to keep up the crazy rhythm of our song I SEE YOU PDR and made a warm, comfortable and minimalist sweatshirt. The one that would be comfortable to fly an FPV drone and go out on the promenade in. The I SEE YOU men’s sweatshirt is for those who can see through (sometimes literally)!
AH_ff18e5fe-4419-11ef-9bc5-00155dcd4802Sometimes nature is such a weirdo. According to its laws, a brutal lion has a neat mane, but a lioness does not. A drake has luxurious emerald feathers, but a duck does not. Have you seen peacocks? The peahens being deprived of their splendour and brightness by nature are simply outshined by them thanks to their lush coloured trains. So we took a look at all this and decided to dream up a bit! We created the PEAHEN set to make you feel like one of the most beautiful birds in the world at least a little bit! On the back of the blouse, we embodied a luxurious train right in the cut, lengthening it and adding a scattering of feathers in the shape of eyes (just like real peacocks!) As for the front, we made it quite restrained, with a straight seam at the bottom and a graceful stand-up collar at the top. The shorts are so loose and puffy that you just want to fly off! Available in two colours – blush and lilac.
AH_6f5f4d63-4e7c-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802There are different kinds of SYLA (force): the kind that lifts planes into the air, and the kind that makes you never give up. We have created a new men’s bomber jacket about the different kinds of force. The cut is close to the classic bomber jacket, but in our own interpretation. For example, we added original front pockets that hide smoothly under the cut. There is a print with the lift formula on the right sleeve, and a patch pocket with a large printed ‘UA’ on the left. Variations of the formula are scattered on the front, and the back is a reminder which SYLA gives you freedom to fly.
AH_4af9b9e4-4e7c-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802There are different kinds of SYLA (force): the kind that lifts planes into the air, and the kind that makes you never give up. We have created a new men’s bomber jacket about the different kinds of force. The cut is close to the classic bomber jacket, but in our own interpretation. For example, we added original front pockets that hide smoothly under the cut. There is a print with the lift formula on the right sleeve, and a patch pocket with a large printed ‘UA’ on the left. Variations of the formula are scattered on the front, and the back is a reminder which SYLA gives you freedom to fly.