AH_f45b65e0-e78f-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802Зручні та стильні жіночі штани «Гелікоптер» з надміцної тканини ріп-стоп (50% нейлон, 50% бавовна), аби чутися вільно в будь-яких обставинах. На кишені справа мають принтований рондель та напис Aviatsiya Halychyny. Трохи вище – принт з гелікоптером Mi-24. Штани мають підсилювачі на колінах, нашиті таким чином, аби виточки дозволяти коліну вільно згинатися і не обмежували рухи. Ми зробили тут мінімум (за нашими мірками) кишень – всього 6. Спереду глибокі приховані: їхня особливість у тому, що середина пошита не з бавовни, як зазвичай, а з тканини ріп-стоп, тому про халепи з дірками у кишенях можна забути – тут все надійно. Трохи нижче штани мають дві акцентні та функціональні кишені. Аби зберегти стриманість форм, ми зробили їх не накладними, як у карго, а вшитими у самі штани. Задні кишені ми зробили максимально місткими й глибокими, але заховали їх в шов та додали стримані маленькі липучки, аби не перевантажувати штани деталями, й при цьому зберегти функціональність. Штани мають вільний крій і досить високу посадку, на талії тримають форму завдяки вшитій резинці та додаткових липучках з боків, що дозволяє їм бути однаково зручними і для чоловіків, і для жінок.
AH_a9b87458-e78f-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802Whoosh! These pants fit no less impressively and make a striking impression like a helicopter's flight. Beyond the perfect fit provided by the sewn-in elastic band and additional velcro fasteners on the waist, our "Helicopters" feature a relaxed cut that's equally comfortable for both men and women.
Crafted from extra-durable ripstop fabric (50% nylon, 50% cotton) to ensure comfort in any circumstances. On the right pocket, we've placed a printed roundel and Aviatsiya Halychyny logo. Just above it – a print of the Mi-24 helicopter.
The pants feature reinforced knee areas, attached in a way that allows darts to let the knee bend freely without restricting movement. We've included a minimum (by our standards) of pockets – just 6. The deep hidden front pockets have a special feature: their interior is made not from cotton as usual, but from ripstop fabric, so you can forget about the hassle of holes in your pockets – everything here is reliable.
A bit lower, the pants feature two accent and functional pockets. To maintain a clean silhouette, we made them integrated into the pants rather than patch pockets like cargo pants. The back pockets are made to be maximally spacious and deep, but we've hidden them in the seam and added subtle small velcro closures to avoid overloading the pants with details while preserving functionality.
AH_4fb832e4-e4b7-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802A restrained, comfortable, and functional cotton shirt for all of life's occasions. The back features a massive yet understated print with the phrase "PROUDLY MADE IN UKRAINE" - a signature we've been including on our clothing for many years so you can feel and share that pride too.
The front has two patch pockets on the chest, one is double-layered and opens from the side - perfect for storing your glasses. We've also added a small additional pocket on the sleeve. The front features a row of buttons on a strip, while the pockets have reinforced triangular stitching to ensure no detail curls during washing and the shirt always maintains its great shape.
AH_548b82ae-e482-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802A restrained, comfortable, and functional cotton shirt for all of life's occasions. The back features a massive yet understated print with the phrase "PROUDLY MADE IN UKRAINE" - a signature we've been including on our clothing for many years so you can feel and share that pride too.
The front has two patch pockets on the chest, one double-layered, and opens from the side - perfect for storing your glasses. We've also added a small additional pocket on the sleeve. The front features a row of buttons on a strip, while the pockets have reinforced triangular stitching to ensure no detail curls during washing and the shirt always maintains its great shape.
AH_f104ff5d-e3a5-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802If we're creating apparel inspired by the 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade, it must be authentic, aviation-themed, made from genuine flight nylon, and feature distinct identity elements. We never take the easy route, especially when it comes to cuts, so we've reimagined standards and created a purely feminine bomber jacket that gives you the sensation of flight both physically and visually. Understated yet striking patch pockets in front, hidden elastic bands on the sleeves and waist, plus two massive wings. And that's just the cut. On the front pocket, there's a printed aviation roundel with the phrase "Live To Fly. Fly To Live." Just above it – the brigade's coordinates. On the back – a massive embroidered trident-bird. And on the sleeves – a scattering of airplanes.