AH_4c8dba2b-e536-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bЖіночий світшот Superhumans — це річ, яку ми створювали не просто для підтримки діяльності центру реабілітації, а як фізичний маніфест нашої віри в те, що кожен із Superhumans-ів має крила. Бо коли ви бачите людину з протезом, будьте певні, що десь за спиною там точно є крила.Співпраця з Superhumans дала нам чітке розуміння, що ця історія про кожного з нас: у той час, коли люди з протезами заново вчаться ходити чи рухати руками, ми маємо заново подивитися на свій світ, і зробити усе можливе, аби він став безбар'єрним і фізично, і емоційно.400 гривень з продажу кожної футболки ми надсилаємо на підтримку діяльності Superhumans Center, який замається протезуванням та реабілітацією постраждалих від війни.Like this comment
AH_a2e20cbc-e535-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bМи створили цей чоловічий світшот, надихаючись могутністю духу й тіла людей, які втратили кінцівки, але натомість розправили крила.Одне з крил на плечах нашого реглана — механічне, що є символом сили Superhumans-ів, які не просто знайшли в собі силу розправити крила, а й допомагають окриляти інших. Звідти й констатація факту, яку ми розмістили спереду — «Велика сила мати крила».400 гривень з продажу кожної футболки ми надсилаємо на підтримку діяльності Superhumans Center, який замається протезуванням та реабілітацією постраждалих від війни. Долучайтесь.
AH_61025da3-e132-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bIt is a great strength to have wings. We created this women’s T-shirt thinking about those who have found this strength in themselves. A part of the proceeds from the sale of each T-shirt goes to support the activities of the Superhumans Centre, which is engaged in prosthetics and rehabilitation of soldiers (and others) who have lost their limbs.
Superhumans have not just found the strength to spread their wings but also they inspire others to spread theirs. Even if those wings are mechanical.
AH_d480031e-e131-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bYou need to have a lot of strength inside you to spread your wings and soar above the despair, pain, loss, and all the disasters and tragedies that the war has brought. And it’s not just about people with disabilities; it’s about each of us. We have created this men’s T-shirt to support the Superhumans Centre, which is engaged in prosthetics and rehabilitation of soldiers (and others) who have lost their limbs. The mechanical wings on the back symbolize the strength of spirit and recovery that Superhumans inspire and empower others with.
We transfer 400 hryvnias from the sale of each T-shirt to support the activities of the Centre. Let’s make our hearts, minds and cities barrier-free together.
AH_6369b7cc-b07f-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bSince 1912, no fight for the freedom of Ukraine was complete without the participation of Plast members. Roman Shukhevych and Stepan Bandera tempered their spirits here. From here members joined the ranks of the Sich Riflemen, and now the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Plast members sang Ukrainian songs to the whole world, like Kvitka Cisyk, and served the mankind, like Liubomyr Huzar. The best thing that can be given to a child is the right to choose where and how they will be useful to the world. Plast is the choice of the brave.
AH_4af0f813-6692-11ee-9baf-ac1f6b742a2bOur war for independence is innovative in many ways. It is not only about the endurance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and their incredible heroism. It is also about unexpected solutions used by our defenders. One innovation of that kind is the use of drones. Of course, reconnaissance drones as well, but now we are talking mainly about FPV drones. Their power and importance of their large numbers is very simple. Firstly, these drones make it possible to destroy enemy machinery that costs millions or tens of thousands of dollars in a super cheap way. In comparison, an FPV drone does really cost a penny. Secondly, it saves many lives of our defenders. For example, the range of ruzzian artillery is up to 20 km, while the range of FPV drones is over 20 km. This means that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have the opportunity to destroy enemy machinery before it can cause any troubles. That’s why our position is like this: as soon as you see a fundraising for FPV drones, just donate. It doesn’t matter to whom or for what part of front – these babies are needed everywhere. And the more of them we have, the more lives and strength of our fighters will be saved. That is why we have created this men’s T-shirt – to draw attention to such important things as drones for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
AH_3872df6b-6692-11ee-9baf-ac1f6b742a2bThis women’s T-shirt is dedicated to a very important thing in this war – FPV drones, which are so much needed at the front and will be needed even more. After all, this is, to some extent, an innovative way to destroy a huge amount of ruzzian equipment even before it takes up combat positions. And besides, the cost of a regular tank or artillery system is completely incomparable to the cost of a drone. So please donate to all the fundraising campaigns for FPV if possible. In this way, we can really save the lives of our defenders and cause more trouble to the enemy. Do not neglect such campaigns – it is a crucial contribution to our future victory.
AH_99a633e6-1b3d-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bWillpower… This is not only a powerful word but the motto of a contemporary legend. This legend is the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. From the first days of the invasion, this heroic volunteer unit defended Kharkiv region from russian invaders and gained combat glory and experience. Now they are officially the 13th Brigade and they proudly bear the name coined by Serhiy Zhadan – ‘Khartiia’. This men’s khaki hoodie is dedicated to them. On the front, there is the print with number 13 and the motto ‘Сила волі’ (‘Willpower’); on the right sleeve, there is the inscription ‘Independence War’ on the Ukrainian flag, and a stylized brigade’s logo on the left sleeve. Our signature wings matching the colour are printed on the collar under the hood.
AH_8541d920-1b3d-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bNow, when new heroic epics of our country are being created, one by one, military units are becoming legendary. One of these units is the Khartiia. We dedicated this khaki women’s hoodie to the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. Volunteers from Kharkiv region were united by experienced military personnel and formed a new and modern brigade that is already setting an example of a victorious spirit. The front of the hoodie features the slogan ‘Сила волі’ (‘Willpower’) and the Brigade’s number. On the right sleeve, there is the Ukrainian flag with the inscription ‘Independence War’; on the left sleeve, there is the stylized brigade’s logo. Our logo is located, as usual, under the collar on the back.
AH_9287ba2d-05f2-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bFrom the first days of the Great War, Kharkiv residents, just like residents of other cities, rose in defense of their native city. This is how the Khartiia volunteer unit was formed, which is now the 13th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine and part of the Offensive Guard. These soldiers were among the first to drive the enemy back to the border during the liberation of the Kharkiv region. Interestingly enough, the name of the unit was invented by the Kharkiv writer, volunteer and musician Serhiy Zhadan. And his song of the same name is actually the anthem of the Khartiia. This is what this men’s T-shirt is about – about willpower and love for the native land. In front, there is a large print with the unit’s sleeve patch and its slogan ‘Сила волі’ (‘Willpower’). On the sleeves there is the number of the brigade and the inscription ‘Independence War’, because this is our war for independence. In the top part on the back, our printed logo is placed.
AH_bf703ebf-05f2-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bWillpower... Powerful words with incredible people behind them. These people have formed a volunteer unit that helped defend the Kharkiv region. Now these heroes are part of the Offensive Guard as the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. They assumed the name Khartiia, which, by the way, was coined by the Kharkiv activist, writer, musician and volunteer Serhiy Zhadan. The symbol and the slogan of the brigade — ‘Сила волі’ (‘Willpower’) — is on the front print of this women’s T-shirt. On the left sleeve, there is the serial number and the name of the brigade, and the right one contains the inscription ‘Independence War’. Our printed logo is on the back of the T-shirt.
AH_b00a08e8-221f-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bAn oversized men's t-shirt from our collab with TNMK. Sandy color, raglan sleeves. Massive decorative seams on the bottom and sleeves. On the left sleeve, there is a band name patch. On the front, it has a large complex print with a Mi-8 helicopter which is also a tape recorder. An inscription "Your culture is your weapon" is above the print, and below it is a quote from the TNMK song "War of the Worlds" that fits our present the best. On the back, our logo is printed in matching color.