AH_4c4cac01-be7e-11ed-9baa-ac1f6b742a2bWe have a men’s T-shirt dedicated to our hometown Lviv. We decided to make it minimalistic. On the front, there is only a printed lion, which is the symbol of Lviv, and a small inscription inscription “Маємо крила з 1256 року” (“We have wings since 1256”). Because Lviv has been a city of free ideas from its very foundation. There is a printed logo on the back, and our red “Proudly made in Ukraine” tag in the side seam.
AH_bbf4f240-e49e-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bSikorsky skycrane is a real engineering marvel. A mighty helicopter crane having outstanding characteristics as of the time it was built. Even now they look quite impressive: maximum takeoff weight is 21 tons, maximum speed reaches 240 km per hour and its flight range is 370 km. In addition, the “bird” set a record of lifting speed in 1971 – the skycrane has gained height of 9000 m just in 5 min 58 sec. So we couldn’t but create a T-shirt with such a giant. On the front, there is a print depicting the helicopter itself with its name inscribed. It transports the Moon imprinted and sewn on the bottom of this men's T-shirt. On the back, there is an imprinted inscription “Sikorsky”, as well as a smaller sign that this American helicopter with two engines was designed by Sikorsky Aircraft. The year of Skycrane manufacture is placed on the shoulder. There is a red label “Proudly made in Ukraine” on the side because we are proud of what we do.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_0444deed-b6c9-11ee-9bb2-ac1f6b742a2bApache is an extremely powerful US Army helicopter, but until it has a yellow and blue roundel on its fuselage, we are in no rush to call it a combat helicopter. After all, it can only become a real combat machine in the Ukrainian sky. Since 2014, the Ukrainian Army Aviation has been proving that these people are unrivalled in the sky above the battlefield, no matter what kind of machine they fly. And with the Apache, they will be unrivalled even higher and further! This bird would be perfect for our Army, but in the meantime, a T-shirt with it would be a perfect match for all of us. On the front, there is a large print of AH-64 Apache and emblems of all Ukrainian helicopter brigades. On the right sleeve, there is a print with AH-64 Apache, and on the left one – a printed logo of the collection INDEPENDENCE WAR.
AH_d480031e-e131-11ee-9bb4-ac1f6b742a2bYou need to have a lot of strength inside you to spread your wings and soar above the despair, pain, loss, and all the disasters and tragedies that the war has brought. And it’s not just about people with disabilities; it’s about each of us. We have created this men’s T-shirt to support the Superhumans Centre, which is engaged in prosthetics and rehabilitation of soldiers (and others) who have lost their limbs. The mechanical wings on the back symbolize the strength of spirit and recovery that Superhumans inspire and empower others with.
We transfer 400 hryvnias from the sale of each T-shirt to support the activities of the Centre. Let’s make our hearts, minds and cities barrier-free together.
AH_f620e470-7d2a-11ed-9ba9-ac1f6b742a2bIn blue, with a large print on the chest, on which an army of drones forms a roundel in yellow and blue colors. On the front it has a large inscription Join the Side of Light because the AFU is by definition on the side of light. UA prints are on the sleeves. Our logo in matching color is printed on the back.
AH_8903556b-e49e-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bNew men's T-shirt dedicated to the 12th brigade. This time the mood is a little different. On the front of the T-shirt there is a kind of metaphorical print, where it seems to be combined, an attacking helicopter and a dragon blowing fire. On the back there are the our interpretation of the slogan "Вогонь запеклих не пече", the signature of the brigade and our printed logo on the top. On the shoulder — rondel of Ukrainian Air Force.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_410a29f1-2822-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bMen's black T-shirt "Хай правда наповнить наше повітря" that means "Let the truth fill our air." Quite harsh and declarative, like Zhadan is. The slogan is sewn down on the left side. At the top of the back there is a label dedicated to the series and our logo.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_f73e7620-8a92-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97The aircraft printed on this T-shirt is AN-225 “Mriya”, which was made in Kyiv in 1989. In 2022 russian occupants ruined our giant while severe bombing of Gostomel airport. This loss will be never forgiven! You can ruin the steel but you will never ruin the freedom and dreams of the Ukrainian people. We will win this war and we will bring our Mriya back to life!
Mriya cracked a bunch of Guinness World Records as it was the world’s largest aircraft. It was 84 meters long and had 6 engines.
The print says: “Born in Ukraine. AN-225 MRIYA – the largest aircraft in the world”
There is a logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.Stand with Ukraine!See more men's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_b6fc04dc-870e-11ef-9bca-00155dcd4802HUNTER says the story behind his helmet began with a simple patch of a Cossack image that happened to catch his eye. He liked the look with the moustache and oseledets so much that the 12th Brigade pilot decided to make his own helmet in a similar style. He decided to paint only on the protective mask, which seems to be designed to look like a Cossack moustache, and picked a few spots on the helmet for the same patch and national symbols. He borrowed the idea of decorating the helmet with themed patches from American pilots, where it has long been one of the established traditions.
AH_1e9cbbb0-6380-11ee-9baf-ac1f6b742a2bМи ще не знаємо усіх історій, пов’язаних з нашою Війною за Незалежність. Але якась частина поступово відкривається. Ця чоловіча футболка про те, як на початку повномасштабного вторгнення наші пілоти на Су-25 розвалювали рашистські колони техніки на різних напрямках, у тому числі і під Миколаєвом. За розмовами про нові літаки для України ми ні на мить не маємо забувати про подвиги, які наші пілоти робили і досі роблять на Су-25, і вільний Миколаїв говорить про ці подвиги краще за будь-які слова. Один із епізодів війни, який точно має жити у пам’яті. І на нашій футболці теж. Футболка сірого кольору, спереду принт, який зображує палаючу кацапську техніку та Су-25. На грудях — трохи про цінності, які допомагають нашим воїнам тримати небо. На спині — наше лого вгорі та коротко про подію:«У перші дні великої війни повітряні сили України чотирма Су-25 випалили під Миколаєвом величезну колону ворожої техніки. Ймовірно, саме завдяки цьому бою і завзяттю підрозділів ЗСУ на землі Миколаїв встояв».
AH_50ed50ec-a87c-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bThis men’s t-shirt is dedicated to the 204th Brigade, to the guys who didn’t betray an oath in 2014 and who protect our sky since the beginning of the war. We wanted to do something unusual for us, to draw from the aesthetics of the bikers or the US military merchandise. It turned out to be a very cool and quite aggressive men’s t-shirt. A worn-out print with lightning, weapons, and a skull, all in the best traditions. On one shoulder there’s some info about the Brigade, on the other - our roundel in yellow and blue colors. A red label Proudly made in Ukraine is at the side seam.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_e04dc6ce-c1da-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97AN “Mriya” is the world’s largest and the most powerful aircraft created by the Antonov Design Bureau. An extremely cool “bird” with the greatest weight in the world. In total, it has set 240 world records. This is perhaps one of the inventions which represent Ukraine in the world to the greatest extent. It makes us proud of the country’s achievement… A bit experimental and quite bright despite the black color men’s T-shirt. On the back, there is a large print which actually depicts the AN “Mriya” against the background of the evening sun. On the front, there is our neat imprinted logo. From Ukraine with love to the whole world.