AH_4461a29c-7c73-11e9-a220-0cc47a40fa97T-shirt with an original print and cut.
The eagle has long been a symbol of military aviation. The 114th Brigade is no exception and also has this bird as its symbol.
The main combat unit of the Brigade is the MiG-29. Its picture with the bird is printed on the front of the T-shirt.
The neckline and sleeves are decorated with fabric inserts.
There is a picture of the Ukrainian Air Force roundel on the sleeves. It is also called the “roll” and used for marking the aircraft to identify the cournty of its origin.
There is a logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.See more men's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_ea2550a7-d94f-11e9-a224-0cc47a40fa97Cross-functional men’s hoodie. The one that we hope to introduce as a uniform item of the 10th Brigade, at least as the festive one. The front pockets for any stuff and any quantity; the shoulders and the hood are made of waterproof fabric. In the lower seam there are comfortable laces for making the hoodie even more convenient. There are large pockets on the chest; on the right pocket there is a print with the caption of the 10th Brigade. On the right sleeve there is an imprinted inscription Be-12 (that’s an aircraft). On the left sleeve there is an emblem of Ukrainian Naval Aviation. On the back there is a print “UA Navy” as well as an embroidered logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny.See more hoodies for men in the catalog
AH_363b5ad5-5ccd-11eb-a232-0cc47a40fa97A new jacket is strict and black, its style reminds the jacket M-65. This jacket is good both for concert and barricades and has a mood of revolution . It has 4 large pockets on the front and a high stand-up collar. The design is concise. There are only a stripe with the name of the collection on the sleeve and a quote-slogan on the chest. At the back under the collar there is our printed logo.
AH_21a3ee54-05da-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bThe Ukrainian sun will definitely rise earlier. And the best way to meet it wearing a warm and comfortable sweatshirt from the collection INDEPENDENCE WAR.
A quite minimalistic black men's sweatshirt, dedicated to the Ukrainian Sun and the occupied eastern part of our country. Only when the east of Ukraine is liberated, the country will be free and the day will become longer. The sweatshirt has a slanted zipper and a stand-up collar.
The sweatshirt has a slant zipper and a stand-up collar. On the left sleeve, there is the ‘Independence War’ patch. On the right sleeve, there are printed outlines of Ukraine and the inscription ‘Повернемо своє’ (‘We will retake ours’). There is our embroidered logo on the top of the back.
AH_882bd173-a945-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bOur brand started with a classic man polo shirt. Now it has thе UA Sky Aces theme. The national avenger, the good spirit to protect the lives of civilians and our defenders. As black as a night in Kyiv. On the front, right under our embroidered logo we printed the Independence war inscription, as we fight for our Independence. At the bottom, a big print that has a big military vehicle of our hero and the leaves of the chestnut tree that is the symbol of Kyiv. A big colorful print on the back, with the picture of the pilot (from his selfie on social media). It is our classical polo shirt by style. Contrasting ventilator, UA on the sleeve, a label with a lion at the bottom and another label Proudly made in Ukraine on the side seam, as we are proud of everything we do.
AH_e24725ae-b058-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bOn February 24, 2022 started the active phase of our Independence war. A crazy dwarf with Napoleonic ambitions decided to attack our country with great force, but we fought back. Ukrainians showed themselves as brave warriors. We showed a strong spirit that impressed the whole world. This is what this male T-shirt is about. It’s about our war! It has a very simple design because design doesn’t matter here. This is the case when one print says it all. The words “Independence war. Battle for the future” on the chest in yellow and blue colors with our little logo printed on the back.
See more men’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_2fdb9839-b222-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802Everyone loved that FPV-eyes print so much that in the first weeks after its release, the T-shirt with it became a bestseller! So we decided to keep up the crazy rhythm of our song I SEE YOU PDR and made a warm, comfortable and minimalist sweatshirt. The one that would be comfortable to fly an FPV drone and go out on the promenade in. The I SEE YOU men’s sweatshirt is for those who can see through (sometimes literally)!
AH_cceba113-4ff5-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802It is no secret that Neptune has a chevron of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and performs special tasks in cooperation with the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, the Special Operations Forces and other units. Sometimes he works alone; sometimes it is paired with Sea Baby marine predators. And this is what the art of military operations in Ukrainian seas looks like! The HIT ME BABY T-shirt is about cross-cutting symbolism. Because, in addition to Ukrainian Neptune missiles and our Sea Baby multi-purpose unmanned boats, there are definitely higher forces fighting on our side at sea. On the sleeve, there is a printed inscription ‘Independence War’. On the back, there is our logo printed to match the colour.
AH_b88ef909-32ef-11eb-a232-0cc47a40fa97Ukrainian Falcons are not only about breath-taking air shows. They are also all about constant training and work, and not only in warm season. So, our comfortable and super warm men’s sleeveless jacket would definitely come in handy. It has an oblique front zipper for comfortable fastening (or unfastening), a neat front contrasting print with the regiment’s name “UKR Falcons” and a signature stylized trident. Deep warm pockets with fasteners and our designer innovation — SU-27 silhouette made with stitching (that’s why it is sizeable).We recommend washing items, but not often. If it's slightly soiled- just wipe with a damp clean cloth. After the season just washes the item at a temperature of 30 degrees. Please, do not bleach, boil, use tumble dry, and don't iron.
AH_d58e5e5c-b05f-11ec-9ba7-ac1f6b742a2bСимаргл — то персонаж з української міфології, якого зображали в образі крилатого пса: перші згадки і зображення походять ще з часів правління князя Володимира у 980 році.Нині нашу землю оберігають як реальні герої з Сил оборони, так і все те, у що віримо ми і вірять наші предки. І Симаргл саме про ту силу нашої міфології, яку ми маємо берегти і плекати. У нашій інтерпhетації ця міфологічна істота розправляється з кацапським вертольотом.Кишені повторюють лопаті гелікоптера, тож, крім звиклого доступу до кишені є ще один — через верхню «лопать». Має теплий комір стійкою, зіпер по центру, манжети по низу виробу і на рукавах. У манжетах на рукавах є отвори для пальців. Від ліктя до зап`ястя на задній частині рукавів — мембранна тканина, би не промокали та довше не зношувались. У середині светра — прихована кишеня на зіпері. По декорам все, як ми любимо: на спині — великий принт, де Симаргл розриває московитський вертоліт. Ну і наше вишите лого. На рукаві — нашивка Independence War, бо це наша Війна за Незалежність.
AH_a8715ec7-4626-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bHoodie for the cold season. It has a nice soft fabric that will keep you warm. On the front is a rondel. A sign that is painted on airplanes to indicate the country of origin. There is also a kangaroo pocket to keep your hands warm and store small items. On the left sleeve there is a patch with the inscription "UA". A hood with a high neck, so that it does not blow into the neck. On the back is the logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny.
AH_7a353cc3-47f6-11ee-9bae-ac1f6b742a2bWe have special sentiments for vests. We love to make and wear them. And here's another men's sleeveless jacket, this time dedicated to the Ukrainian Army Aviation. It is dark blue, with a spacious hood. There are two large patch pockets on the front and a central zipper. On the chest, there is an imprinted roundel, the inscription ‘Ukrainian Army Aviation’ and our embroidered logo. On the back, there is a large stitched (and therefore slightly bulky) trident over an imprinted helicopter. There are also hidden zipped pockets on both sides on the inside. The hood has built-in elastic bands with drawstrings.