AH_14f2b011-8a99-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Even the dragon is flying together with Telesyk.
If you wear our hoodie, you can feel yourself a little winged. Raise your arms and you will have wings made of fabric inserts. They will not hinder even if you move actively. There are dragon spikes on the back. Even the tail will grow.
On the right sleeve there is a chevron “Telesyk airlines”, and on the left one – the logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny.
The picture is glowing in the dark, so you won’t be afraid even at night.See more kids hoodies in the catalog
AH_e7b69e2d-5456-11e9-a21a-0cc47a40fa97Clothes in which it is comfortable to conquer the world! And with it, the weather is no big dea. Comfortable for active rest in the cold season. There are 5 pockets. To make it comfortable to keep your glasses, there is a special loop on the chest. There are secret pockets from the inside. The formula of aerodynamic force is imprinted on the inside. There is an inscription “SYLA” on the back. There are special ventilators on the back and chest to keep you cool. The elbow patches are made of thick fabric. The sleeves have special inner stretch cuffs with a thumb hole for comfortable fit. The hood is sewn separately from the neckline to protect the neck from the wind. A raincoat is hidden in the side pocket.See more kids hoodies in the catalog
AH_39320956-8a99-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97The goose is a very good frined of Ivasyk-Telesyk.
He likes to wear a bomber jacket and wraps a scarf around his neck not to freeze.
The hoodie has an oblique zipper, so it is pulled over.
There is a picture of the goose: its head is depicted on the hood, and its beak is depicted on the elbows.
If you cross your arms, you will get a solid picture.
The hood is adjustable with a drawstring at the bottom and top.See more kids hoodies in the catalog
AH_fd28e864-6a71-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bYour kid got interested in music and you want to develop their taste? Do not waste any time – tell them about the famous “Beatles” that conquered the world and gift this hoodie. Our Rhino McCartney has the guitar and the drumsticks, although he does not drink tea. But if the kid grows up to be a rock star – that is not our fault)
The hoodie is comfortable, pleasant to touch. The back of this warm kid’s hoodie has a print of embroidered rhino beetle with instruments, reminding of the native land of rock music. The right sleeve has “the world's smallest airlines” chevron. On the chest, there is an embroidery “Telesyk airlines” on the left. Inserts on the hood imitate beetle’s horns and inserts on the sleeves imitate beetle’s legs.
AH_85af1775-69a2-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bДіти обожнюють всякі магічні та міфічні штуки. Скарабей якраз з таких створінь. Єгиптяни вважали його створіннями богів сонця. То нехай дитина котить вам світло і радість в худі, як цей жук сонце.
На спині дитячого теплого худі розташовано принт з вишивкою у вигляди сакрального скарабея. На правому рукаві шеврон “the world's smallest airlines”. На грудях зліва вишивка “Telesyk airlines”. Зроблена з якісних матеріалів і приємна до тіла. Вставки на рукавах імітують лапки жука.
AH_2854adf3-8a99-11e8-a20f-0cc47a40fa97Storks also joined Telesyk’s airline company. They are famous for their V formation figure in the sky as they are extremely disciplined and skilled.
The front side is decorated with the logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny.
There are 2 pockets for your little belongings at the bottom.
There is a picture of three Su-27 aircrafts in the form of a stork on the back.
There is an inscription “Telesyk airlines” on the hood; the hood is adjustable with a drawstring.
If you cross your arms, you will see wings :)See more kids hoodies in the catalog
Respecting the elders, honoring traditions, bravery, and, of course, adventures with the trusty sword – the stag beetle samurai will teach you it all. This beetle as a Japanese warrior will keep up your kid’s battle spirit.
This kid’s hoodie has a print on the back with an embroidered stag beetle samurai. The right sleeve has “the world's smallest airlines” chevron. On the chest, there is an embroidery “Telesyk airlines” on the left. Inserts on the hood imitate beetle’s legs.
AH_0ea975b8-4832-11ef-9bc6-00155dcd4802Flying squirrels mastered the sky long ago. They fly between the trees thanks to the membranes between the base of the tail and hind legs.
Our hoodie also has these membranes between the arms. Original free cut.
On the front side there is a zipper that starts at the bottom and goes around the hood. It is decorated with patches with pictures of flying squirrels and mountains.
There is a picture of squirrel’s eyes and whiskers on the hood; there are also ears made of fabric sewn to the hood.
The left sleeve is decorated with the logo of “Telesyk airlines”.
There is a logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back.
AH_94034f9f-699a-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bБджола — то є справжня королева найменшої авіації світу. І ми не могли не зачаруватися дивовижою цієї комахи! По-перше, користуючись нагодою, дякуємо панам і панянкам в жовто-чорних лівреях, які є єдиними у світі комахами, що роблять їжу для людей. По-друге, ми точно знаємо, як воно, безстрашно захищати свій вулик навіть від найстрашніших хижаків, тому з гордістю презентуємо худі про цих хоробрих малюків.
На спині — силует бджоли з волошковим віночком. Має фактурні великі кишені і рукави-крила. Спереду — застібка навскоси та логотип TELESYK AIRLINES. На правому рукаві — нашивка "THE WORLD'S SMALLEST AVIATION".
AH_26d36f3e-1cf0-11ea-a228-0cc47a40fa97The stingray flies in the water. Well, it seems so when you watch the movements of its pectoral fins.
Comfortable, loose hoodie that does not fit the body. The cut resembles the shape of a stingray. The children will feel free and comfortable during active games when wearing it. And thanks to the elastic band at the bottom of the hoodie, it doesn’t jump up.
A chevron with “Telesyk airlines” logo is sewn on the front.
On the back there is the tail of the stingray and the logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny.
The eyes of the stingray are placed on the hood.
Fabric with a three-dimensional print that resembles stingray skin.
The inside of the hoodie is soft and warm, so it is comfortable to walk in autumn and winter.See more kids hoodies in the catalog
AH_89b866fd-712e-11eb-a233-0cc47a40fa97A hoodie that enables kids not only to turn into true bats but also find out a lot of interesting facts about these creatures. There are lots of patches on the chest that reveal interesting things about bats: which bat is the biggest and which is the smallest, which one is the most rapid, what the bats eat, etc. (The patches are smooth and intended for contemplating and touching) A warm hood has ears and large (but soft) vampire teeth. On the left side of the chest there is an embroidered cute bright baby bat. Under the sleeves, the wings are hidden. Everything for the comfort and development of kids :)See more kids hoodies in the catalog
AH_7bddf505-37c0-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bBright blue kid’s hoodie one more in collection “Досліджуй завжди", that means "Always explore". Nodosaurus is an interesting herbivorous dinosaur that lived a long time ago, in the Cretaceous period. He had a shell, that protected himself from predators. Therefore, this hoodie also has a kind of shell so that young researchers can imagine themselves as such nodosaurs. In addition to the spikes on the hood and sleeves, the back has a tail and a stripe that repeats the pattern of the shell. Hoody is worn over the head, has a zipper on the front, two large pockets and puffs on the hood. On the chest there is a printed marking of the series, and below, on the pocket, a print that tells interesting things about the nodosaur and depicts its skeleton and shell. On the shoulder there is Telesyk Airlines logo.