Telesyk Airlines
How cool it is when you don't need a runway or customs control for a flight. Just flapped the wing and you are already in the sky. Our collection is about that cool fellas from the world's smallest aviation.
There are many birds around us. Big and small, fast and slow. The ones we see every day and the ones we see only in cartoons or on youtube. But have we ever thought that each of those birds is actually a little pilot?
Very often, especially in childhood, we often wanted to turn into someone just to feel like a superhero, or a favorite cartoon character, or maybe a book hero.
In the original fairy tale Telesyk mostly was flying on geese, and ran away from dragons. But we started to think that dragons were not only large and hardy animals in flight, but also useful to the mistress (in various matters).
«Flying sharks»… sounds weird, doesn't it? We used to think that sharks live in water. But we have several arguments to say that they can fly! Firstly, sharks almost fly in the water, they are the fastest animals in the sea world.
When we made the first clothes of Telesyk Airlines based on the fairy tale about Ivasyk Telesyk (one of the most aviation Ukrainian fairy tales) we knew that we would not limit ourselves to the most original plot for a long time.
We enjoy all kinds of flights, no matter who flies and how. Because the flight is always magic. Therefore, we got interested in animals which theoretically should not fly, but still they do it.
Kids are always about energy. Except for the physical energy expressed in jumping, climbing, and probing, kids are full of mental energy and eager to learn and discover the world all around.
There are birds which are birds even with wings but don’t fly. Looks like nature had specific plans for them. We have our own plan: to make them fly and raise them to the sky to feel the joy of freedom in the air.
Кожний всесвіт має своїх супергероїв. Вони виникають за різних умов та обставин. Дехто отримує сили від оказій, наукових експериментів, космічних аномалій чи магічних ритуалів. У світі Авіації Галичини теж є такі герої.
Everyone knows the fairytale about Ivasyk-Telesyk. However, few people were really interested in Telesyk’s fate after his unbelievable adventures with the geese and the evil witch. We found out how Telesyk is today, and so we are ready to share this fascinating story!
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