Stories, figures, legends
Чи знали ви, що середньорічна температура біля української станції «Академік Вернадський» в Антарктиці за останні 80 років зросла аж на 3°С? Саме тому ми вирішили у свій спосіб висвітлити важливість науки та вирішення проблеми глобального потепління.
About the place of power for many of us. About unique mountains — in Ukraine in general, and for those who have at least once walked the ranges, gotten soaked in the rain or drank tea from fresh herbs — the Carpathians.
Have you heard anything about the Hutsul Space Program? Do you know that spaceships are constructed in Kosiv? Those that were first to reach Mars long before
the Space Xs. This story is all about them…
One of the most fabulous stories that could ever happen to a person. A fantastic adventure of a Ukrainian pilot who became the chief of a Canadian Mohawk Tribe. The story of Ivan Datsenko, the Chief Poking Fire.
This is one of the stories that are always absorbing to tell. It is about a person who was obsessed with the sky so that he almost turned into a bird himself, or at least did everything to achieve that. About the pilot and aviation innovator Angelo d’Arrigo.
Do you know that the history of hot air ballooning, hot air balloons in particular, is directly connected with Lviv city? If not for Lviv aviators, perhaps, the hot air balloons would have never been as they are now. Find out more here.
What proverbs and superstitions about birds do you know? There are a lot of them all around; numerous stories and superstitions have been made up about them.
Some of them are supposed to bring children, and some portend the lifetime… This collection is about birds.
Who was Ihor Sikorsky? Just a Kyiv citizen? A desperate romantic and dreamer? Or a brilliant inventor, constructor and a talented engineer that changed world’s aviation history? Perhaps, a little bit of everything…
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