Who are Buntarky? These are women stronger in spirit than anyone else; those who don’t give up in situations where others surrender; those who do it differently and are able to change the rules. These all are about the Plast kurin “Buntarky” (“The Moxie Girls”) which not only broadens the limits but also inspires. Skiing camps, climbing, photos in bikini among snow-capped mountains, marathons and the first Ukrainian Women’s expedition during which the girls conquered five summits of Ecuador (and Mount Ararat as training before 5,000-metre-high mountains of South America) – these are also about Buntarky. Pure feminism in action. And this is truly inspiring as it shows that all the limits exist only in our minds, and instead of talking you can always just start changing the world; instead of waiting for role models and motivations you can become the way you want. Because rebellion is a secret power to move the world forward.
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