AH_f6c33adc-fd57-11ee-9bc2-00155dcd4802We have created as true as possible metal pin depicting our Mi-24 as a powerful fighting
helicopter and a flying combat machine of the infantry. One of the pilots of the Air Force of
Ukraine who flies this beauty contributed to the creation of the mock-up!
AH_cdea6235-9585-11e8-a210-0cc47a40fa97A runway on the socks is a very symbolic thing. We hope that the noise of the engines will be heard in your head and your heart will burst in flight at every glance at these socks. And in them you can fly half of the world.
AH_6c55b857-863c-11ef-9bca-00155dcd4802Продовжуємо розповідати про традиції нової української армії, зокрема про мистецтво розмальовування шоломів у Армійській Авіації. Сигара та легендарне заклинання з Гарі Поттера (щоправда, дещо перефразоване на армійський лад), красується на шоломі пілота 12-ї бригади Армійської Авіації імені генерал-хорунжого Віктора Павленка з позивним BIN. І хоч пан Дамблдор казав, що не можна застосовувати магію поза Гоґвортсом, BIN з побратимами чи не на кожному бойовому завданні доводить - можна!
AH_04a64bc7-6869-11e9-a220-0cc47a40fa97Freedom is what we have been fighting for centuries. Sometimes with bare hands drawing strength from the spirit and courage. Because freedom is fighting for yourself and for what you have as much as needed. And now the slogan "Fight like Ukrainians" sounds in its own special way.“Fight like Ukrainian” is a motto to keep in your heart. But if you want to share it, a pin is a good way to do it.
AH_e5d45e3c-6868-11e9-a220-0cc47a40fa97Bee-helicopter (or helicopter-bee, to your fancy) is a cool pin for those who want more than our T-shirt or polo, and want to have the same warrior bee for every day to suit any clothes.
AH_f4269d0b-5462-11e9-a21a-0cc47a40fa97Red and black socks with a picture of a roundel, a military marking of the aircraft‘s country of origin.
Comfortable during active wearing. Made of breathable and smooth fabric.
AH_49e4b145-8bd0-11eb-a234-0cc47a40fa97About people who are not afraid to fight with the force of nature even on a complex and seemingly unreliable vehicle, i.e. a hot air balloon. One chevron with the logo of the honored community, and the other with a balloon.